About Wake the Church
We are a grassroots organization comprised of concerned Christian men and women who believe our elected officials and most importantly our churches are derelict in maintaining a moral, and ethical government, based on the Bill of Rights and Constitution as the Founding Fathers intended. Without repentance and adherence to the Truth of God's word we are just another empire in decline.
Our solution is to reject the world and the way of the apostate church. Modern Christians are a party to the consumerism and secular excesses here in America, they have abandoned their posts as the only true agents of God's Holy Spirit and Love in this world preferring the institutions and doctrines of mankind.
Instead as members of the Wake the Church movement we pledge to be true to the teachings of Christ,
We will offer Christ and Him Alone - John 14:6
We will Follow God's Commandments - Luke 10:27
We will Seek after Righteousness - Matthew 6:33
We will Love our Enemies - Matthew 5:44
We will be Salt and Light - Mathew 5:13
We will Ask in Your Name - John 14:13
We will not Fear those that can Kill the Body - Mathew 10:28
We will be Blessed Peacemakers - Mathew 5:9
We will take the Narrow Road - Mathew 7:13,14
We will have Eyes that See and Ears that Hear - Matthew 13:15-17
We will Expose False Teachers - Mathew 7:15
We will not be Ashamed of Christ - Mark 8:38
We will not sleep, but labor until the Day of the Lord - Mark 13:32
We will if required Drink from the Cup of the Martyrs - Matthew 10:39
As a Christian activist and educational ministry all of our activities pertaining to our country and Church will be addressed with love, wisdom, discernment, knowledge and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Violence will never be tolerated at anytime and for any reason within this organization.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
If you would like more information or would like to start a Wake the Church action group in your area please use the contact form.
In Christ always,
the members of Wake the Church