
    The Importance of Cleansing Your Mind


    By Micah Charles on 1/24/2017 (8 years 50 days ago) Theology & Religion

    I was recently reading some comments that were posted by atheists on a creation science article and I was amazed at the vile, despicable things that some of these atheists say. I wondered, if that is what comes out of their mouth publically for all to see, how much more vile are their private thoughts. Perhaps one thing that scares these God-hating, atheists more than anything else, is the possibility that their innermost thoughts are not private. That indeed, there is an omnipotent, righteous God who hears and knows everything that they mutter internally, in their conscious mind, in that space between their ears. And if they were to contemplate that for one minute, it would send chills down their spine. They would feel ashamed and disgusted with themselves. They would instantly feel apologetic and humble themselves. But then their defense mechanism kicks in and they convince themselves that there is no God. Therefore there is no overseer of their thoughts.

    Let us all be reminded that as important as it is to watch that which comes out of our mouth and keep our words and deeds pleasing to the Lord. We must also work, sometimes even twice as hard to keep our thoughts pleasing to the Lord also. Throughout our life our thoughts are basically an ongoing conversation with a righteous and perfect God. This conversation never ends, it is from birth to death. God knows the inter-mutterings of your mind. Work every day to clean them up.

    "For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether." Psalm 139:4 KJV

    Unfortunately in our society, we are always bombarded with the filth that gets dreamed up in the pits of the mind of some script writer. The product of their filthy minds then bubbles up to form that despicable and perverse line of dialog or scene in a movie or TV show. We watch the movies and the TV shows, and it all reshapes our way of thinking. Their perverseness infects us and then we begin to think like them and talk like them. The people that we choose to be around then also reinforce  the way we think and react internally, and either virtue or depravity will be cultivated.

    As Christians, we already know that God is aware of everything. From every molecule of His vast, physical creation all the way down to every detail within us, including every idea, intent, and thought of our mind. We have a duty to have a mind that is different than those of the world. A mind that strives to be free from perversion, ill intent, mockery, lust, and covetousness. Though one may never become perfect in this endeavor, it is our duty to God to always be trying, and improving. Being omnipotent, God can and does listen to our thoughts. It is like the narration to the movie of our life. God is not going to turn off that movie and stop listening. He cares too much about our life, our happiness, our struggles, and our growth. Don't let your narration, year after year, degrade, and become a constant offense to the Lord.

    Sometimes we do have to focus on the evil in this world if we are to fix it. That is the harsh reality of achieving justice. But I'm talking about the voluntary, entertainment based junk that we can easily choose to simply not view. Truly the saying "garbage in, garbage out" has never been more accurate when it comes to the pitfalls of immersing yourself in our entertainment-based society. If you truly want to grow and develop a mind that produces thoughts that please God, then turn off that trashy, adult-themed cartoon show and adhere to the command that the Apostle Paul wrote to the church of Philippi:

    "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 KJV

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