By Jason Charles on 3/6/2019 (5 years 346 days ago)
The notorious atheist and secular humanist community over at purportedly spurred an 18-year-old to “rebel” against his mother, and “vaxx” himself against her wishes.Ethan Lindenberger, wrote his initial post on the reddit board r/NoStupidQuestions. A Guardian headline taking a quote from Ethan’s original reddit post is hysterically entitled 'God knows how I’m alive': how a teen defied his parents to get vaccinated, in the post he states,“As the title explains, my parents think vaccines are some kind of government scheme. It’s stupid and I’ve had countless arguments over the topic. But, because of their beliefs I’ve never been vaccinated for anything, god knows how I’m still alive. But, i’m a senior in high school now with a car, a license, and money of my own I’d assume that I...