
    Looking at a Global Economic Collapse Through the Eyes of Satan

    By Jason Charles on 11/9/2015 (9 years 82 days ago)

    Chicken Little SyndromeOne of the most heated and ongoing debates within liberty minded circles almost always involves speculation as to what a full on societal collapse may look like in the very near future. These conversations almost always unfold exactly the same way no matter who you end up talking to. It usually starts off with someone voicing their disgust with Washington D.C. and the political climate, the radical social engineering programs, the tragedy of unjust wars abroad, the national debt, etc. It then digresses into wild speculation as to how all this means that the American society is doomed and the elite plan on destroying America. These same folks will then reveal their detailed plans as to how they are stock piling food, guns, gold, silver and moving to remote locations...



    The Evils of Central Banking

    By Jason Charles on 3/1/2010 (14 years 336 days ago)

    Out of 193 countries recognized by the United Nations all but a small few have a Central Bank in them. .."I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that banks can and do create money ... and they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people" Reginald McKenna, past Chairman of the Board, Midlands Bank of England Through the internationally linked Central Banking system, nations have yielded the control, value, regulation, and supply of ALL money within that country. These countries do have the sovereign right as nations to regulate, print and control the value of their own currency without any cost to the government or their people, but instead they have allowed a privately held...


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