By Jason Charles on 11/7/2018 (6 years 128 days ago) Science & Technology
This week, arch-technocrat and welfare tax-queen, Elon Musk, was caught fear-mongering on the specter of A.I again,
“He reiterated those fears in an interview published Friday with Recode’s Kara Swisher, though with a little less apocalyptic rhetoric. “As AI gets probably much smarter than humans, the relative intelligence ratio is probably similar to that between a person and a cat, maybe bigger,” Musk told Swisher. “I do think we need to be very careful about the advancement of AI.” (
What he didn’t mention is how he just received SEC approval to start raising millions in capital for his new start-up company Neuralink, a company that seeks to create Brain Chip Interfaces, “BCI’s” for human’s to interface with computers. Yes, $100 million dollars in first round funding to plug the human mind into future advanced systems that he constantly puts down and deems a threat to the species.
“…as for TBC and Neuralink, the waivers didn’t offer anything unexpected, although they did provide great, brief overviews of what exactly the two companies are currently working towards. Although it was announced in late 2017 that Musk would sell stock to fund initial operations at TBC and Neuralink, both companies’ legal representatives confirmed the exact amount of funding raised by “Musk and various other third-party investors”: $112.5 million and $100.2 million, respectively.” (
The fear-mongering he routinely rolls out to the press is a ploy to hype the threat of A.I. to the human species, in an effort to raise more capital for his ventures. He is very good at fooling investors that the tech has progressed enough and is ready for heavy investing. His supposed answer to the A.I threat is, we all become machines ourselves through brain-chip interfaces, with the idea A.I. won’t see us as a threat anymore, and accept us as their own. This existential threat doesn’t even exist and was first made popular by Futurist Ian Pearson at a Globalism summit of all places this last Feburary in Dubai.
“Ian Pearson made this assertion today, February 13, during a panel hosted by CNBC at the World Government Summit in Dubai.
“The fact is that AI can go further than humans, it could be billions of times smarter than humans at this point,” said Pearson. “So we really do need to make sure that we have some means of keeping up. The way to protect against that is to link that AI to your brain so you have the same IQ…as the computer.”
Pearson isn’t the first to suggest humans merge with AI. Elon Musk has floated the idea in the past, and he even started a company, Neuralink, to work on developing the technology necessary to make it happen.” (Futurist)
It’s almost like Musk hired him to make outlandish statements about A.I. as a propaganda push ahead of his fundraising endeavors. There is nothing like a little fear-mongering to motivate people both rich and poor alike, right. What is really sad is how many liberty loving people, bill Musk as some hero, fighting the establishment when in reality he is a welfare whore and pioneer of what can be describe as a bona fide Mark of the Beast tech.
Don’t Believe the Hype
The promised arrival of super-computer spawned, artificially intelligent beings in the near future have been largely exaggerated. Computer programs, no-matter how clever and sophisticated simply are not reliable enough to trust them with the operation of human systems.
Just this week illustrating this point perfectly, Melanie Mitchell, a Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University wrote this in the New York Times,
“…a few examples demonstrating that the best A.I. programs can be unreliable when faced with situations that differ, even to a small degree, from what they have been trained on. The errors made by such systems range from harmless and humorous to potentially disastrous: imagine, for example, an airport security system that won’t let you board your flight because your face is confused with that of a criminal, or a self-driving car that, because of unusual lighting conditions, fails to notice that you are about to cross the street.
Even more worrisome are recent demonstrations of the vulnerability of A.I. systems to so-called adversarial examples. In these, a malevolent hacker can make specific changes to images, sound waves or text documents that while imperceptible or irrelevant to humans will cause a program to make potentially catastrophic errors.” (NYT)
This whole above article is a must read, and speaks volumes about the limitations in A.I. technologies, and she isn’t the only one in the field speaking up about the unpredictable nature of Artificial Intelligent systems.
Another scary example of a A.I. is provided to us by Will Knight in an article last year called The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI, in it he wrote,
“The experimental vehicle, developed by researchers at the chip maker Nvidia, didn’t look different from other autonomous cars, but it was unlike anything demonstrated by Google, Tesla, or General Motors, and it showed the rising power of artificial intelligence. The car didn’t follow a single instruction provided by an engineer or programmer. Instead, it relied entirely on an algorithm that had taught itself to drive by watching a human do it.
Getting a car to drive this way was an impressive feat. But it’s also a bit unsettling, since it isn’t completely clear how the car makes its decisions. Information from the vehicle’s sensors goes straight into a huge network of artificial neurons that process the data and then deliver the commands required to operate the steering wheel, the brakes, and other systems. The result seems to match the responses you’d expect from a human driver. But what if one day it did something unexpected—crashed into a tree, or sat at a green light? As things stand now, it might be difficult to find out why. The system is so complicated that even the engineers who designed it may struggle to isolate the reason for any single action. And you can’t ask it: there is no obvious way to design such a system so that it could always explain why it did what it did.” (TechnologyReview)
It is obvious these systems are wholly inadequate to say the least, and just because some billionaire tech-baron says he can defend the human species from the threat of A.I. doesn't mean he is being truthful or even has the best interest of humanity in mind.
It amazes me how eager the establishment and these technocrats are to turn humanity over to the machines. Even when it is patently obvious that these systems are full of flaws and are not even close to being ready to deploy on any level greater than a speech-to-text implimentation. Yet they still push it, and fund it, and litterally are chomping at the bit to wire us into the next stage of supposed human progress.
The reality is obvious, we shouldn't be in fear of how massively hyper-intelligent these systems will be, instead we should be concerned at how uselessly unintelligent they are proving to be in real world applications. The danger is not that they will take over humanity, the danger is that they will run us off the road, mis-identify us with a criminal, or put us on government watch-lists because our metadata was analyzed wrong. Then in addition to these failings, the way they work makes it impossible to debug, them because nobody knows how they actually learn and sort data.
I hope Elon Musk and the Google futurists all face financial ruination due to the failure of A.I. and transhuman technologies. We don't need or want these systems, and from every indicator they are stupidly pushing it on humanity. A.I. and transhumanism is being forced upon humanity by these technologists whether we like it or not, it brings to mind the old adage written by Alexander Pope in his 1711 poem An Essay on Criticism; "fools rush in, where angels fear to tread."
Christians and pastors should be up-in-arms about the A.I. push, the Bible says alot about possession and enties taking control of our physical beings, please tell me how getting brain chips and interfacing with A.I. beings is any different then the allowance of total possession by a demon? It is an abomination, and the church must oppose this evil work!
"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12
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