
    Abraham’s Blessing Resides Outside the Land of Israel

    By Jason Charles on 10/24/2018 (5 years 364 days ago)

    Walk into any church in America and ask them who owns the lands of Israel, and in chorus you would hear…”the Jews.” Then grabbing the nearest Bible they would feverishly flip the pages to Genesis 12:1-3 entering into evidence these passages,“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3 Not So FastWhile there are many things to note in this verse I want to point out the glaringly obvious fact that if you actually read this passage,...



    Zionists are Capitalizing on the Fear and Ignorance of Christians

    By Jason Charles on 8/29/2018 (6 years 55 days ago)

    For many American Christians the presence of Israel on the geopolitical stage is the fulfillment of prophecy leading up to end-times events. They truly believe that God started an apocalyptic countdown on the 14th of May 1948, the year Israel was declared a nation state. Tick, tick, tick, every minute from then on has been supposedly pushing us deeper into end-times events since that notorious date.Confirmation of this belief is found in a recent article on CBN News entitled These Are The Four Biblical Prophecies Playing Out In Israel Right Now. The article reads,“When President Donald Trump moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem many people of faith quickly recognized the biblical significance of such a move. Trump, like King Cyrus before him, fulfilled biblical...



    Judaism Provides the Melting-Pot of a New World Religion

    By Jason Charles on 6/28/2018 (6 years 118 days ago)

    In these times there is a lot of speculation about a One World Religion and the antichrist. Will the antichrist be worshiped as a Pope like the early reformers believed, will he be a european business man as fantasized in the Left Behind series, would he be a Muslim messiah called the Mahdi, or is he the long awaited Jewish Messiah? And how will all of these competing ideologies be untied into one universal framework of worship? The Image The Apostle John in the prophetic Book of Revelation gives a little insight into this future leader and system. In Chapter 13 we read,And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation 13:12Most people read this as...



    Seizing the Temple Mount Becomes Theme of U.S. Embassy Celebration

    By Jason Charles on 5/23/2018 (6 years 153 days ago)

    In a brazen Zionist publicity stunt, U.S. Ambassador to Israel was photographed at a press conference being presented with an aerial photograph depicting the 3rd Temple built overtop the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock.“US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman was caught off guard on Tuesday when he was presented with a poster-sized photo of Jerusalem during a visit to the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) city of Bnei Brak.The seemingly authentic photo of the capital was in fact edited to depict a rebuilt third temple on the Temple Mount, the site where the al-Aqsa mosque currently stands.…Ambassador Friedman was not aware of the image thrust in front of him when the photo was taken," the US Embassy spokesperson said in a later statement. "He was deeply disappointed that anyone would take...


    Christian Zionists Silent on Persecution of Ancient Jerusalem Churches

    By Jason Charles on 5/9/2018 (6 years 167 days ago)

    If there is one thing that is a re-occurring theme in the new testament, it is the request by the Apostles for prayers and financial support for the believers being persecuted in Jerusalem. You can read about this collection in 1 Corinthians 16, 2 Corinthians 8, and even in Romans 15:30-31. Paul additionally commended certain gentile churches in Romans 15:25-26 for their offerings saying,“But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.” Romans 15:25-26 Paul risked everything to go to Jerusalem and take the collected offerings from the surrounding gentile churches to Jerusalem. This decision ultimately cost Paul his freedom and life as the Jews in Jerusalem...



    World on Fire: Seven Decades with the State of Israel

    By Jason Charles on 4/18/2018 (6 years 188 days ago)

    This May will mark the 70th anniversary of one of the most unlikely events of all time. Which is the creation and reemergence of the State of Israel.The headlines talking about the coming “celebration” reveal it to be a cesspool of political maneuvering and dominance, mainly by Netanyahu' and his Likud party.“Israel’s landmark 70th anniversary celebration on Wednesday night was meant to be a stunning display of unity that transcends the usual divisions and cacophony of life here. But the ceremony honoring Israel’s founding in 1948 has already been marred by weeks of unseemly politicking and almost farcical twists and turns, all raucously played out in the Israeli news media.…“It’s supposed to be about Israel and our story and not who takes credit for it,” said Micah Goodman, a popular...


    Modern Israel and the Strong Delusion of the Christian Elect

    By Jason Charles on 1/10/2018 (6 years 287 days ago)

    Modern Israel is a painful subject to write about due to the prophecy obsessed culture in many U.S. churches. Any negative criticism of the state of Israel, or its roll relative to prophetic interpretation opens one up to the wrath of potentially millions. For many Christians, the modern, political state of Israel has become a symbol of prophetic fulfillment, and thus worthy of their undying devotion and praise.Herein lies the problem. At what point does the fanatical support of Israel become idolatry in a Christians life? Meaning at what point, in the mind of a believer, does Israel start to play a more important role in prophecy than Jesus Christ Himself? The Great DeceptionIn the famous chapter of Matthew 24 we see two settings, and two different questions asked by the disciples.In...



    Jesus Cleanses the Megachurch

    By Jason Charles on 5/3/2017 (7 years 174 days ago)

    With a thunderous kick Jesus struck the large double doors in the rear of the massive sanctuary. The loud slap of the heavy doors framed perfectly the gasps of the parishioners closest, all whipping their heads around towards the source of this sudden noise. The light passing in from the lobby beyond those massive doors reflected in their eyes an alarming scene. The usual noise from the lobby was a hushed whisper. The floor laid strewn with books from the nearby library. A large 6 foot table had embedded itself into the cashiering area of the coffee shop. Tables were flipped end over end, where families only moments ago had been sitting eating, sipping their coffee. They now lay in groups, cowering on the tiled floor, their eyes staring at the silhouetted man in the door way, helplessly...



    Without U.S. Support Modern Israel is a Failed State

    By Jason Charles on 3/15/2017 (7 years 223 days ago)

    By Jason Charles | Wake the Church |  March. 15, 2017The premise held by many Christian Zionists across America is that God is the creator, sustainer and protector of the modern State of Israel. This very flawed, theological presumption is false, and the historic record proves it. The real creator of modern Israel is the Rothschilds, and the true sustainer of Israel all these decades is the United Nations and the U.S. Pentagon. Without the rabid support of the Rothschilds and these two institutions Israel would have failed a long time ago.Israel Established on the Blood of MillionsIsrael only exists because of the Herculean effort and funding of the Rothschild Dynasty. A devilishly wealthy family with occult ties, a history of war profiteering, bank racketeering and more. In the late...



    Have You Been Manipulated by the Neo-Judaizers

    By Jason Charles on 10/19/2015 (9 years 5 days ago)

    Have you ever heard a fellow Christian say, Shalom as a greeting? Or maybe heard someone emphatically state that we must pray in Yeshua's name if our prayers are to be heard? Have you met a Christian who only observes the Sabbath and even wears a Jewish prayer shawl? Maybe you have heard someone casually say that they are learning Hebrew and attending Torah classes to better understand the Jewish culture. Or better yet have you heard someone audaciously declare that the Jews have their own path to God? If so then you have run into someone that the Apostle Paul warned against in almost every epistle he wrote, a Judaizer. It is hugely unfortunate, but there are a lot of people who get caught up in this infatuation with the Jewish religion, but did you know this debate caused a huge amount of...


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    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13