
    Gay Penguins and Our Fractured Reality

    By Jason Charles on 1/23/2019 (5 years 364 days ago)

    This week, crack reporters at the New York Times reported gay penguins are better parents than negligent ones,“The colony’s only gay penguins, …Sphen and Magic looked like they would make great, diligent, careful egg-warming parents. Curious, the aquarium managers gave the two males a dummy egg. They took to it. And so then, when a particularly negligent heterosexual penguin couplelooked to be leaving an egg exposed (females lay two, but usually only one survives), the aquarium workers figured they would give it to Sphen and Magic.In October, that egg hatched. Now the chick of a gay penguin union is waddling around an ice enclosure by the touristy docks in Sydney.”…“The penguin keepers said they do not think much about the politics... But they do see that he is inspiring visitors.“Penguins...



    Study Finds Prosperity Preaching is a Mind-Altering Drug

    By Jason Charles on 12/5/2018 (6 years 48 days ago)

    The University of Toronto released a recent study in the journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. The study describes a test in which Christians and Atheists were both asked to listen to hours of prosperity preachers, it reads,“The University of Toronto released last month a study in the journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, which named such preachers as Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes and Creflo Dollar. …“The study included experiments where both theists and atheists were asked to listen to a prosperity gospel message, with their feelings measured afterward. It tested heightened optimistic bias and effects on financial risk-taking resulting from the teachings.“Specific to positive affect, we found that the prosperity gospel resulted in a boost of high-arousal positive...



    Devils in the Church: A Critique of Charismatic Christianity

    By Jason Charles on 11/28/2018 (6 years 55 days ago)

    The charismatic movement has digressed considerably from the days of William Branham and Oral Roberts. Those early faith-healing broadcasts were considerably tame and even boring compared to what passes as “sign-gift evangelism” today in modern charismatic led churches. The broadcasts of their day showed these men simply laying on hands, praying over men, woman and children that they may all receive healing through Jesus for a variety of stated aliments; then those people would turn and simply walk off the stage in maybe a heightened emotional state at best.Video of William Branham of Oral Roberts Now when we turn the channel to Christian T.V we are confronted with something far different. Strange...



    The Great Work of the Gentile Believers

    By Jason Charles on 9/26/2018 (6 years 118 days ago)

    We must ask, why do American Christians put so much emphasis on the Jewish traditions, prophecy, seeking after signs and support for modern Israel? The answer lies in one insightful passage of scripture written by the Apostle Paul.“For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom” 1 Corinthians 1:22 I love this verse. It reveals so much truth about the personality and predilections of both Jews and Gentiles as distinct people groups. They both have very different traditions and ways of discerning truth, yet God used them both to unveil His mysteries to us throughout the ages.This verse was very true for Paul who had experience preaching to both groups over the course of his ministry. Only Paul had a real first-hand experience with the questions, dispositions and demands each...



    The Three Obstacles Preventing Revival in America

    By Jason Charles on 9/20/2018 (6 years 124 days ago)

    I have this persistent hope in me that burn’s like fire. A hope I will see in my lifetime a new Great American Revival. In fact, one could frame the efforts of the Wake the Church ministry in terms of reformation and revival in the modern church.I dream of a day that people are turned in heart and mind toward God to such a degree that they describe these times in the same way famed theologian and revivalist Jonathan Edwards spoke of as a progenitor and participator of America’s Great Awakening. Edwards said these things when speaking of the atmosphere after the many revivals and gatherings,“The minds of people were wonderfully taken off from the world, it was treated amongst us as a thing of very little consequence. They seemed to follow their worldly business, more as a part of their...



    Will God Send Good People to Hell?

    By Jason Charles on 7/11/2018 (6 years 195 days ago)

    One of the most common questions you will hear from people when contemplating Christianity is, “does God send good people to hell?” This question is also parroted by atheists who love to throw this in the face of Christians as a way to demonstrate the unjustness of the Biblical God. They say, “How can a just God throw someone in hell who has never heard about Jesus Christ? What kind of God would do that?”This happens to be a question that also plagues many new Christians. They struggle with this question, and rarely find an adequate answer from Pastors and Bible teachers that addresses this issue properly to the point of satisfying the intellect and heart of a person. So it just hangs there, and nobody seems to be able to resolve this question without resigning to meaningless Christian...



    Quantum Mechanics Reveals a Triune-Godhead

    By Jason Charles on 6/13/2018 (6 years 223 days ago)

     The Observation Effect, is a phenomenon found in quantum theory that suggests that the act of observation stabilizes atomic states. This can be studied, and has been studied for decades, it suggests that the conscience observer plays a part in the physical world. This study by Ángel Rubio of the University of the Basque Country and the Max Planck Institute is even able to use this effect towards quantum tech,“One of the most peculiar aspects of quantum theory is the observer effect, the idea that the very act of observing and measuring something - just observing and measuring, nothing more - can actually change it in some way.Now researchers have determined via theoretical modelling that this effect can change the flow of energy particles in a current, so that they move against it.The...



    How Our Internal Thoughts Prove a Spiritual Dimension

    By Jason Charles on 6/7/2018 (6 years 229 days ago)

    With so many secularists and materialists in the world today who naively believe there is no such thing as a spiritual world, I thought I would give one easy exercise that any person can do that will prove to themselves that there is indeed a spiritual world that impacts everything we do. Take Every Thought Captive In 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 the Apostle Paul, speaking to the Church at Corinth reminds them that we do not live in a purely materialistic world, and the evidence of such is our own internal thoughts.For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing...



    The Six Types of Demons and Their Methods of Possession

    By Jason Charles on 12/13/2017 (7 years 40 days ago)

    If you don’t believe in the supernatural, spiritual realms, and the entities that occupy them, then I don’t know what to tell you other than much of your life will not make sense. The truth is some people are hyper-preceptive to the spiritual forces all around us while most are super-oblivious to these things.In 2005 a Gallup poll indicated, “1 in 2 people believe in the paranormal” ( While later a Gallup poll done in summer of 2016 stated a whopping “89% of people believe in God in America” ( That is still the vast majority of Americans still believe in a creator despite the massively funded, government indoctrination against God in the public-school systems for over 5 decades now. Fear of the Unknown Limits PerceptionThe fact is, despite a willful attempt to...



    The Evil of Deferring Moral Responsibility to Institutions

    By Jason Charles on 9/27/2017 (7 years 117 days ago)

    Deferring Ones ResponsibilityOne of the biggest social epidemics that are plaguing mankind currently is what I term the Deferment of Moral Responsibility. This is a phenomenon that is foundational to human psychology. Basically, it is the realization that human kind loves large political and ideological institutions because they give them the rationalizations needed to delegate their personal responsibility to these organizations. This is inherently dangerous because large institutions as well as governments perpetually rationalize evil for the sake of greed and power. People who shape their identities around giant politicized institutions are in danger of becoming party to the evil these institutions are engaged in. They take on these rationalizations as being authoritative giving no...



    Without Question God Uses Nature to Judge Humanity

    By Jason Charles on 9/22/2017 (7 years 122 days ago)

    People on both sides of the political fence love to point at the latest spat of natural disasters ripping across our nation in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires as proof of God's wrath against their opposition. Just this week Hollywood starlet, Jennifer Lawrence said that the hurricanes that hit the U.S. are "mother nature's rage" and blamed Trump, while outspoken Christian actor Kirk Cameron made the statement,“When he puts his power on display, it’s never without reason. There’s a purpose. And we may not always understand what that purpose is, but we know it’s not random, and we know that weather is sent to cause us to respond to God in humility, awe and repentance.” (AVClub)No matter what ideological or theological bent, there is a keen awareness throughout humanity that...



    Biblical Pharisees and Sadducees Provide a Unique Look into Political Thought

    By Jason Charles on 9/7/2017 (7 years 137 days ago)

    The complexities of theology, philosophy, and politics can be simplified into two fundamental worldviews. Either there is a God, or God doesn't exist. It is this dialectic that all philosophical and political reasoning is built upon, people typically approach the world from one of these two standpoints. In like fashion bodies of politics form along these two perspectives naturally. The Essence of Political BodiesThe best way to explain this dynamic is to look at the contest between the Biblical Pharisees and the Sadducees, two main sects that represented the bulk of council positions in the Jewish Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was a Jewish council of 23+ learned men who would preside over all issues within their provinces. Likewise the Great Sanhedrin that met in the Halls of Hewn Stones in...



    Beware the Smear Campaign Against the Historical Jesus

    By Jason Charles on 8/2/2017 (7 years 173 days ago)

    Just last April an excellent article by Dr. Simon Gathercole writing for the Guardian addressed the foolish notion that Jesus isn't a historical person.  In it he writes,"What did non-Christian authors say about Jesus? As far as we know, the first author outside the church to mention Jesus is the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who wrote a history of Judaism around AD93. He has two references to Jesus. One of these is controversial because it is thought to be corrupted by Christian scribes (probably turning Josephus’s negative account into a more positive one), but the other is not suspicious – a reference to James, the brother of “Jesus, the so-called Christ”.About 20 years after Josephus we have the Roman politicians Pliny and Tacitus, who held some of the highest offices of state at...



    What America Needs Now is Some Hard Preaching

    By Jason Charles on 5/31/2017 (7 years 236 days ago)

    There are only two preachers in America, worth listening too, the question is can you handle the Hard Truths they present any given Sunday? The disillusionment with church has become a well documented fact. A Pew Research poll released back in 2015 states," survey of more than 35,000 Americans by the Pew Research Center finds that the percentage of adults (ages 18 and older) who describe themselves as Christians has dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years, from 78.4% in an equally massive Pew Research survey in 2007 to 70.6% in 2014. Over the same period, the percentage of Americans who are religiously unaffiliated – describing themselves as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular” – has jumped more than six points, from 16.1% to 22.8%" (



    Eradicating Thought-Demons and Trauma Based Spiritual Strongholds

    By Jason Charles on 4/19/2017 (7 years 278 days ago)

    This article is a how-to-guide on identifying and removing spiritual strongholds in one's life.  While the Gospel narratives record many episodes of demonic activity in people's lives, it is not fully revealed as to how these individuals got that way in the first place. In this article I will attempt to explain both the beginning circumstances and also the thought processes that very real spiritual entities utilize to compromise people of all kinds. Then we will discuss a variety of Biblical prescriptions towards bringing oneself back from the dark abyss of spiritual attacks.  The Failure of the Mental Health and Pharmaceutical  Approach of TreatmentPsychiatrists have a spectrum of labels they use to classify mental and emotional dysfunction in their patients. Terms like Anxiety & Panic...


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    You Too Can Be Saved

    Salvation is submission to the authority of our Creator God. To be saved simply call upon the name of Jesus. Ask Him to lead, guide and direct you to a full knowledge of who He is, and who you are in Him.

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13