
    Are You Guilty of God's Most Hated Sin?

    By Jason Charles on 5/24/2016 (8 years 243 days ago)

    The Sin of PrideIf you are thinking, transgenderism, sodomy, murder, rape, is the most hated among all sins by God you would be wrong. Why? Because God tells us Himself that the most hated of sins is spiritual pride. Believing yourself to be some special, anointed, prophetic gift to the world, places you squarely in the cross-hair's of God's wrath. God hates the sin of pride, it goes before all others.These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19You see how that works? A Proud look, begets lying, shedding of...



    Five Ways to Destroy a Church Body

    By Jason Charles on 5/3/2016 (8 years 264 days ago)

    There are a few things common to every church body. One of which is the calling of a dynamic, anointed man of God that has the God given ability to decipher scriptural truth and also can attract people with a similar call. People who are uniquely equipped to aid in that man's mission. The other thing common to any ministry is simply strife. Strife follows wherever people congregate and organize. Humans can be a sorry lot, if you have any doubts ask a divorce attorney. Strife within a body of believers can be as equally as ugly as a divorce. If in fact you are truly led to a body of believers then leaving is very much akin to divorce. The call and drawing ourselves to a church or mission is very similar to a call to a love in a marriage sense, and is spoken of as good and blessed of God....



    Which are You a Truth-Seeker or Power-Seeker?

    By Jason Charles on 4/19/2016 (8 years 278 days ago)

    How you Read the Bible Reveals the Motives of the HeartThere is a religious spirit that can overtake people as they begin to study the Bible and formulate their own personal biases and dogmatic preferences towards matters of prophecy, timelines, etc. What we must learn to do is watch out for people that read scripture with a fascination for the mysticism, the prophetic, and the mystery aspects of scripture instead of the more basic tenets of loving they neighbor. In the church you will find people often-times come with agendas of understanding they obsessively push, and it is this fascination that gives them away as the dreaded power-seeker, as opposed to the more humble truth-seeker.The truth-seeker probes everything for truth, loves freedom, has a high moral code, lives modestly, and...



    Chuck Baldwin: The Pastor America Desperately Needs and the Establishment Fears

    By Jason Charles on 4/4/2016 (8 years 292 days ago)

    In the sea of modern "churchianty" Pastor Baldwin is a lone voice, truly a voice crying in the wilderness. While preachers every Sunday are dancing around the political nature of Jesus' ministry in favor of ear-tickling preaching, Pastor Baldwin is preaching Jesus AND instructing his people on the Biblical Principles of Liberty, and then applying those truths to the volatile political climate that is tearing this country apart. As a non-501c3 church he isn't beholden to any IRS threats and therefore speaks out powerfully on national issues that the 501c3 preachers don't dare address, fearing removal of their tax exempt status. As a result of his preaching there is no-doubt that Pastor Baldwin is having a impact on a national stage; much to the chagrin of the liberal media as evidenced by a...



    5 Indicators You are Not Cut Out for the Freedom Fight

    By Jason Charles on 3/7/2016 (8 years 321 days ago)

    In the movie 300 King Leonidas played by Gerard Butler gives audience to a horribly disfigured hunchback who wishes to join Leonidas and the army of 300 Spartans who faced the god/King Xerxes on the battlefield. During this exchange the hunchback claiming to be the disfigured son of a Spartan warrior demonstrated his spear fighting technique in hopes to redeem his father's honor. King Leonidas, who is the captain of the highly trained and very deadly Spartan guard then asks him to raise his shield and demonstrate is proficiency with the Spartan Shield. The exchange went like this, (The Hunchback) I will earn my father's armor, noble kin...by serving you in the battle.(The Hunchback stabs violently with spear)(King Leonidas) A fine thrust.(The Hunchback) I will kill many Persians.(King...



    Identifying the Four Types of Spiritual Tyrants and How to Protect Yourself

    By Jason Charles on 2/29/2016 (8 years 328 days ago)

    Reaping What We SowOur culture is 2-3 generations deep into a full on moral collapse, and as a result nobody can be trusted and that is not hyperbole, that is a statement of fact. I have come to realize that when dealing with people in our modern era you are either dealing with someone who has been horribly victimized by people in our declining culture or those who are doing the victimizing. Both of them are dangerous, one will lash out due to hidden hurt and the other is looking for those that can be manipulated and used to their advantage.The Apostle Paul described in Romans 3 a vivid picture of the cultural decline he saw in his day and it is unsurprisingly exactly what we see in our day. Human nature simply has not changed. We have all been touched by evil and the sin nature that...



    God, Guns and Guts are the Only Thing Holding America Together

    By Jason Charles on 1/4/2016 (9 years 19 days ago)

    In the summer of 1776 when the Second Continental Congress came together and finally decided that they had no other recourse but to commission Thomas Jefferson to write up the first draft of the Declaration of Independence there was only three things to consider. One, was God on their side? Two, did they have sufficient arms? And Three, was there enough men in the colonies with enough guts to put their lives on the line toward the cause of liberty? The answer to all three of these questions in the minds of the 12 out of the 13 colonies that voted in favor of the signing of the Declaration of Independence was an emphatic yes. If any one of these three components were lacking the vote would have failed, the resolution would have been struck down, and British tyranny would of marched on...



    The Case for Christian Support of Medical and Recreational Cannabis Use

    By Jason Charles on 12/28/2015 (9 years 26 days ago)

    With over 6,000 years worth of recorded use, hundreds of peer reviewed studies towards its medicinal efficacy on virtually every disease, 1000's of documented uses from food to fuel, and no detrimental health side effects, cannabis is without question one of the most fascinating plants God has ever created. In fact you would be hard pressed to find another plant in all the earth that has benefited the human race more so than cannabis/hemp has. These points are all undeniable, totally substantiated, readily researched and attributed facts. Yet despite these facts, the group that presents the least favorable view towards the legalization of marijuana has always been Christian conservatives. According to a Barna Group study entitled Legalize It? A Majority of Christians Say No to Recreational...



    2015's Top Ten Examples of Apostasy in the American Church

    By Jason Charles on 12/21/2015 (9 years 33 days ago)

    It is no secret the liberal media is constantly on the prowl to paint Christians as hypocritical adherents to an irrelevant, bigoted and unreasonable faith. One thing is for certain in this day and age they never miss an opportunity to seize upon a story or headline that can tarnish the good name of anyone who identifies with the God of the Bible and the Christian faith. As true as this statement is, it is the church's capitulation to the world's standards that has caused the most damage to the Christian faith and the church. It is the church itself that is culpable for the lack of influence and authority in our culture seeing they have changed and perverted time tested truths and doctrines prescribe by God through his word. Instead of changing the world to conform to the truth of...



    Paris, Terrorism, and the Effects of Ritual Sacrifice on the Masses

    By Jason Charles on 11/16/2015 (9 years 68 days ago)

    Friday the 13th, 2015 TV screens across the globe suddenly flashed to alert screens and bold graphics announcing the Breaking News of large scale, coordinated, mass murder attacks taking place in Paris, France. In a matter of moments the news reporter began to run through a series of details describing where the attacks had occurred, how many are being reported as dead or injured, who claimed responsibility for the attacks and how officials were responding to the tragedy.Our human response is immediately one of horror, and empathy for the victims as we listen to the news reporter dole out new information amidst a steady stream of live footage, images and official statements from people there at the scene. As we catch glimpses of gun fire, footage of explosions and testimony from...



    God's True Intent for Marriage Purity is Beyond Human Comprehension

    By Jason Charles on 11/2/2015 (9 years 82 days ago)

    One FleshAny discussion of marriage especially in this day and age is laden with pitfalls. Our society simply has lost sight of what God's true intention for this sacred institution is. As a result any effort to clarify and define God's original intention for the institution of marriage must come from God Himself as the progenitor and institutor of marriage. Which means we must go to the opening chapters of the Bible in which God himself performs the first wedding ceremony. In Genesis 2:21-24 we see how God having formed Eve the first woman from Adams own flesh, brought Eve to Adam in much the same way as a father giving away His daughter at the altar. It was here Adam made his vows that he would cleave to his wife and that they should be as one flesh from thereafter." And the LORD God...



    Humanity is Being Re-Engineered into a Godless Beastly Creature

    By Jason Charles on 10/27/2015 (9 years 88 days ago)

    It used to be that evil was done under the cover of darkness, behind closed doors, and conducted in secret. Now when we look at the world we can't help but realize that evil is operating fully out in the open. The wicked men of this generation no longer fear being exposed, they no longer are afraid of repercussions, and they are no longer cautious in their wicked pursuits. Evil has totally gained power over all of the critical institutions of humanity and as a result our culture is doomed. This truly is a sad time to live, especially for those who are old enough to remember the days when people were God fearing, hardworking, and moral family men and women. Amidst all the daily headlines and chaos I feel it is imperative we take a moment and ask ourselves how we got here, what went wrong,...



    Wake the Church: A Strategy to Take Back America

    By Jason Charles on 10/12/2015 (9 years 103 days ago)

    America has Fallen A nation that was once the light of the free world now casts a dark shadow over the whole globe in pursuit of unjust military excursions. Its institutions have succumbed to godless educational models that undermine every key tenet of its founding documents. Its political elites have legislated away every sacred, God given rights while shackling future generations to insurmountable debt. The media mis-aligns truth on behalf of  a myriad of financial sponsors. Its highest court in the land rules in favor of killing the unborn and allows perverts and sodomites to redefine ancient and sacred institutions such as marriage. Its people have been bombarded with cultural reprogramming that celebrates avarice, perversities, sporting events and ignorance. Its corporations who...


    Vladimir Putin Just Destroyed 100 Years Worth of Prophetic Speculation

    By Jason Charles on 10/6/2015 (9 years 109 days ago)

    In 1971 speaking to state legislators, then Governor Ronald Reagan regurgitated a widely held view of prophecy when he stated,“Ezekiel tells us that Gog, the nation that will lead all of the other powers against Israel, will come out of the north. Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia. What other powerful nation is to the north of Israel? None."This idea of Russia being the great Beast, that would rise up in the End Times to make war with Israel is one of many false interpretations of prophecy that can now FINALLY be laid to rest. This dispensationalist view of end times prophecy was made over a century ago via the Scofield Reference Bible. The controversy surrounding Russia as being the initiator and aggressor in this war against Israel is detailed out...



    How False Teachings on Spiritual Gifts have Incapacitated a Generation of Christian Warriors

    By Jason Charles on 9/14/2015 (9 years 131 days ago)

    It's amazing how many Christians and pastors both use the excuse "that is not what I am called to do" when you try to talk to them about pertinent issues facing our country and how we as Christians need to get involved. That is because our modern churches are filled with subtle, pacifistic, and effeminate teachings that have sidelined an entire generation of believers. While most people quickly get bored when talking doctrine and theology I cannot stress enough how important it is to take these teaching head on and demonstrate how they are grossly responsible for the degeneration of our Christian culture and thus the culture at large. The Devil simply loves twisting scripture. In doing so he is able to build entire doctrines that almost always remarkably give Christians convenient excuses...


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    Christ Alone Movie Directed by Jason Charles


    Everything your pastor is afraid to preach

    Topics include: Natural Law | 2nd Amendment | Un-Just Wars | 501c3 Institutionalized Churches | Eugenics | Transhumanism | Bohemian Grove | RFID | New World Order | GMO | Vaccines | Agenda 21 and More...


    You Too Can Be Saved

    Salvation is submission to the authority of our Creator God. To be saved simply call upon the name of Jesus. Ask Him to lead, guide and direct you to a full knowledge of who He is, and who you are in Him.

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13