
    Political Class Desperate to Keep Two-Party System in Place

    By Jason Charles on 7/13/2016 (8 years 109 days ago)

    Before you read through this article, ponder the words of our first president George Washington for just a minute. This is from his farewell presidential speech, Washington is quoted here where he was speaking on the Two Party system;"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this...



    The Weaponized Use of Language as a Tool of Global Enslavement

    By Jason Charles on 6/27/2016 (8 years 124 days ago)

    If you have been paying attention, you know that liberals have unleashed a flood of new terms and words into our lexicon and culture. Words like CIS gendered, SJW (Social Justice Warrior), Cultural Appropriation, White Privilege, Microaggression, Rape Culture, Patriarchy, etc. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, they are all code words for the rationalized destruction of white, Christian, conservative Americans. While it is easy to ignore and disregard this language coming from the left, we have to realize these words are loaded with animosity, hate, bigotry and outright violence towards the white race and especially white Christians. This weaponized use of language is a very organized, well funded, and a insidious stratagem to pit races, sexes, classes and orientations against...



    Disney the Next Major Christian Boycott

    By Jason Charles on 6/20/2016 (8 years 132 days ago)

    Disney is no longer the cutesy, family friendly organization it once was. In the last decade it has "come out" as one of the most effective social engineering tools in the New World Order arsenal. Everything the Disney/Marvel/Pixar/Lucas Films conglomerate produces is filled with anti-family propaganda. An article in the New York Post quotes a BYU study called "Daddies or Dummies" that measured how many times per minute the dads in Disney sitcoms act like Buffoons. It was determined that “Every 3.24 minutes, a dad acts like a buffoon.” ,"A 2001 study by Erica Scharrer in the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media found that the number of times a mother told a joke at the father’s expense increased from 1.80 times per episode in the 1950s to 4.29 times per episode in 1990.But what’s...



    Secularism, The Abrahamic Faiths and the Violent Destiny of Humanity

    By Jason Charles on 6/14/2016 (8 years 138 days ago)

    On the heels of last week's celebrity infused, yet pathetically attended Atheist "Reason Rally" there is a few things we must keep in mind when thinking about the contest between religion and secularism, which is there is no real contest. Why is this? Because God didn't intervene on behalf of the scientific community, no he intervened on behalf of the faithful, mainly Father Abraham long ago and the world has never been the same since.When we read in the headlines about Muslim terrorists, or Zionist/NeoCon/Christian warmongers, or Jewish power-brokers and the banking elite, realize that what we are reading about is how God is using the Abrahamic faiths to bring His plan for humanity to a head. Atheists and secular humanists just don't get this. They simply don't understand why or how the...



    The Liberal Myth of Equality

    By Jason Charles on 6/7/2016 (8 years 145 days ago)

    This week the Miss U.S.A. pageant was politized by the Obama regime without question. The odds that a black woman, in the military, who is from Washington, D.C. and who was asked about woman in combat roles, and won defies all odds. Without question this was a contrived event for the sole purpose of reinforcing government regulations concerning woman, gays, and transgenders in our society. A total publicity stunt by the Obama administration."When asked by judge Joe Zee whether the Pentagon's decision to open up all combat roles to women had "put political correctness over our military's ability to perform," 1st Lt. Barber responded: "As a woman in the United States Army, I think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military."...



    Are You Guilty of God's Most Hated Sin?

    By Jason Charles on 5/24/2016 (8 years 159 days ago)

    The Sin of PrideIf you are thinking, transgenderism, sodomy, murder, rape, is the most hated among all sins by God you would be wrong. Why? Because God tells us Himself that the most hated of sins is spiritual pride. Believing yourself to be some special, anointed, prophetic gift to the world, places you squarely in the cross-hair's of God's wrath. God hates the sin of pride, it goes before all others.These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19You see how that works? A Proud look, begets lying, shedding of...



    Sciences Dirty Secret: Quantum Theory Provides for the Probability of a Creator

    By Jason Charles on 5/17/2016 (8 years 166 days ago)

    The belief that there are unseen spiritual forces at play in our world is a frightening prospect to atheists and secular humanists that don't believe in any sort of spiritual world. The real truth is, even secular humanists must realize that the building blocks of matter, according to scientific wisdom is pregnant with the possibilities of unknowable and inaccessible realms. Quantum theory itself brings rise to the possibility of all sorts of hidden folds, and unseen layers of creation. The pattern of nature implies it, and the rules of quantum theory can't dispel it as attested to by scientific experimentation probing the nature of matter."...It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it," said Associate Professor...



    Corporations Pushing Globalist Agendas Equals a New Era of American Fascism

    By Jason Charles on 5/9/2016 (8 years 173 days ago)

    It's the UN Dummy! Can't You See!?What is the tie-in between abortion, anti-gun legislation, and gay marriage? You guessed it, the U.N. There is now a recent fad of multi-national corporations "coming out" in support of very politicized agendas such as gay marriage, abortion and anti-gun support, effectively dividing the country in half. From a purely Chief Financial Officer point of view you would think that alienating literally 50% of your customer base would be corporate suicide, right? How can a company even survive ticking off 150 million customers on issues that fundamentally are offensive to them? Case in point the laughable state of Target's company stock plunges due to its obscene allowance of men into woman's bathrooms if they self-identify as woman."Backlash for TGT Stock. A...



    Five Ways to Destroy a Church Body

    By Jason Charles on 5/3/2016 (8 years 180 days ago)

    There are a few things common to every church body. One of which is the calling of a dynamic, anointed man of God that has the God given ability to decipher scriptural truth and also can attract people with a similar call. People who are uniquely equipped to aid in that man's mission. The other thing common to any ministry is simply strife. Strife follows wherever people congregate and organize. Humans can be a sorry lot, if you have any doubts ask a divorce attorney. Strife within a body of believers can be as equally as ugly as a divorce. If in fact you are truly led to a body of believers then leaving is very much akin to divorce. The call and drawing ourselves to a church or mission is very similar to a call to a love in a marriage sense, and is spoken of as good and blessed of God....



    Homosexuality is a Subculture Nothing More

    By Jason Charles on 4/25/2016 (8 years 187 days ago)

    Exploiting Human PsychologyThose who follow my newsletter and Facebook Posts know that I frequently tackle social engineering tactics and topics that expose the elitist agenda to radically change the culture here in America. The Gay Agenda in this country has become a bona fide social engineering marvel.One of the most overlooked tactics utilized by the elite to fundamentally change this Christian nation to that of a God-hating pagan one is what I call "Subcultural Programming." When it is all said and done Homosexuality, and rainbow pride culture is just another box, programmed by the elite.Subculture: a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.Given the definition above,  I am sure most people are familiar with...



    Which are You a Truth-Seeker or Power-Seeker?

    By Jason Charles on 4/19/2016 (8 years 194 days ago)

    How you Read the Bible Reveals the Motives of the HeartThere is a religious spirit that can overtake people as they begin to study the Bible and formulate their own personal biases and dogmatic preferences towards matters of prophecy, timelines, etc. What we must learn to do is watch out for people that read scripture with a fascination for the mysticism, the prophetic, and the mystery aspects of scripture instead of the more basic tenets of loving they neighbor. In the church you will find people often-times come with agendas of understanding they obsessively push, and it is this fascination that gives them away as the dreaded power-seeker, as opposed to the more humble truth-seeker.The truth-seeker probes everything for truth, loves freedom, has a high moral code, lives modestly, and...



    The Corporate Support for the LGBT Agenda is a UN War on Christianity and Morality

    By Jason Charles on 4/11/2016 (8 years 201 days ago)

    LGBT Social Engineering Flashback to the Spring of 2015, in the lead up to the Supreme Court decision that legalized gay-marriage in the U.S., we saw corporations by the droves began to air LGBT friendly television, radio and print ads all aimed at pushing the supreme court to support gay-marriage. You can see a small snapshot of just some of the numerous gay-friendly ads that were produced during this time in support of the decision that happened in late July of 2015. In what was undoubtedly a coordinated Obama Admin propaganda campaign hundreds of corporations all "came out" of the political closet in support of gay-marriage. The Obama administration's involvement in this propaganda push was well documented pointing to Valerie Jarret as the corporate handler and operative behind this...



    Chuck Baldwin: The Pastor America Desperately Needs and the Establishment Fears

    By Jason Charles on 4/4/2016 (8 years 208 days ago)

    In the sea of modern "churchianty" Pastor Baldwin is a lone voice, truly a voice crying in the wilderness. While preachers every Sunday are dancing around the political nature of Jesus' ministry in favor of ear-tickling preaching, Pastor Baldwin is preaching Jesus AND instructing his people on the Biblical Principles of Liberty, and then applying those truths to the volatile political climate that is tearing this country apart. As a non-501c3 church he isn't beholden to any IRS threats and therefore speaks out powerfully on national issues that the 501c3 preachers don't dare address, fearing removal of their tax exempt status. As a result of his preaching there is no-doubt that Pastor Baldwin is having a impact on a national stage; much to the chagrin of the liberal media as evidenced by a...



    The Alternative Media has become Less Credible than the Mainstream Press

    By Jason Charles on 3/28/2016 (8 years 215 days ago)

    “Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't believe impossible things.'I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast" The History of The Alternative MediaThe alternative media is now a market, and like all markets they are mined for dollars. Essentially with the advent of video cameras, and website blogs, everybody has become a potential journalist. This has sparked a wave of "citizen journalists" who spend all night filling internet blogs with credible and not-so-credible information at the click of a keyboard. At one time alternative media was somewhat truthful and credible, but it shifted towards speculation and...



    Shadow Government: Why All Campaign Promises Die in the Oval Office

    By Jason Charles on 3/21/2016 (8 years 222 days ago)

    The Shadow GovernmentHave you ever noticed how politicians like Trump who are campaigning for president, often make sweeping statements as to how they will end wars, shore up the economy, build walls on the border, fix income gaps, etc, while on the campaign trail? Then after the election, and all the votes are tallied, they ascend to the highest office in the land and over the course of their entire administration not one thing ever changes. Every single grandiose campaign promise made goes unaddressed and floats off into the collective memory hole. There is a good reason for this, it is called the Shadow Government, or Continuity of Government (COG).In 2014 the Boston Globe ran an article detailing a new book by Tufts University political scientist Michael J. Glennon called "National...


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    Salvation is submission to the authority of our Creator God. To be saved simply call upon the name of Jesus. Ask Him to lead, guide and direct you to a full knowledge of who He is, and who you are in Him.

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13