
    No Surprise Megachurch Pastors are Losing Faith

    By Jason Charles on 8/7/2019 (5 years 84 days ago)

    Who would have guessed, big buildings, full offering-plates, fluffy sermons, stage smoke, lights, and loud rock-music are doing little to dispel the ugly deluge of secular arguments that have successfully caused many to stray from fundamentalism and Biblical faith.In fact, highlighting this fact is this latest trend of megachurch pastors publicly renouncing their Christian faith. The most recent example being “former megachurch pastor” and popular author Joshua Harris who wrote this on his Instagram,“Shortly after announcing via Instagram that he was kissing Christianity goodbye, former pastor and author Joshua Harris was recently seen marching in Vancouver's Pride Festival.A photo was posted on Twitter of Harris and gay rock singer, Trey Pearson at the parade on August 4.     View this...



    Modern Israel: The Common Denominator Behind All False Gospels

    By Jason Charles on 7/31/2019 (5 years 91 days ago)

    As I have studied the Bible, and worked to rightly apply that understanding, I have found that a true rendering of the Gospel places total emphasis on Jesus as our perfect teacher, risen savior and triune person of the Godhead; while false gospels almost always place an emphasis on Judaized forms of religion and even outright bastardization of Christianity with Judaism.“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you...



    Neither Trump nor Q Anon Deserves Credit for the Arrest of Pedophile Networks

    By Jason Charles on 7/24/2019 (5 years 98 days ago)

    If you are not familiar with the Q Anon phenomenon, let me get you caught up to speed. Supposedly for the last 4 years or so a high-level government insider with “Q” level security clearance has been making “dark-web” internet forum posts that seemingly predict Trump’s offensive maneuvers to take down the Clinton controlled deep-state entrenched in the U.S. government.Followers of Q believe that President Donald Trump is God’s chosen man, that he is waging war with the communist controlled deep-state, has thousands of sealed indictments against government traitors, has stopped chem-trail programs, and even begun crack-downs on the pedophile networks encompassing elite circles as evidenced by current headlines involving Epstein and NXIVM.While they cultishly give Trump credit for the take...



    American Pastors Refuse to Preach Jesus in His Entirety

    By Jason Charles on 7/10/2019 (5 years 112 days ago)

     When pastors in today’s modern churches are backed into the corner on the topic of preaching hard against the societal and political sins of our nation you will usually hear the same excuse,“These topics are all important, but I am just called to preach Jesus and the Gospel, I haven’t been called to preach on politics.” There is one huge flaw in this reasoning, and it actually blasphemes the person and power of who Jesus is in totality.Jesus is not just the man we read about in the Gospel narratives. No, pastors that make this excuse, limit Jesus to the mere 33 years of His physical ministry, death and resurrection. If you Just preach the Gospel stories, making endless ear tickling analogies on Love every Sunday, you fail to teach the real Jesus of scripture and instead present a mirage...



    The Apostle Paul as the Great Whistleblower Against the Jewish Religion

    By Jason Charles on 7/3/2019 (5 years 119 days ago)

     When atheists argue against the historicity of the Bible they almost always discount the Bible as a single historic source and witness to the times of Christ. Always demanding the mythical, “extra-biblical sources.” This is a tactic used by secularists to discredit the historical narrative themselves. Obscuring the science by saying the New Testament works are mere lies among friends, lies that went viral is all.This is a complete misapplication of scientific scrutiny. Every text in antiquity holds or fails upon its own merits. And with over 2000 years of the highest levels of scholarship applied to the writings of the New Testament the evidence is clear, the Gospel narratives have withstood the test of time. Moving the goal post for the New Testament doesn’t work, as apologist Josh...



    Millennial Exodus from the Boomer Wilderness

    By Jason Charles on 6/26/2019 (5 years 126 days ago)

    And the LORD'S anger was kindled against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation, that had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was consumed. Numbers 32:13 Studies are suggesting that Gen X and Millennials have rejected their parent’s values, religion and culture. The reason being is simply the complete lack of trust in the authority structures being handed over to them, as cited in this poll conducted by Harvard University,“Of 10 major societal institutions, just two — the military and scientists — garnered majority support from millennials on the question of whom they trust to do the right thing most of the time. That's according to new polling by Harvard University's Institute of Politics of this most-written-and-talked-about generation,...



    Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuals to Death?

    By Jason Charles on 6/21/2019 (5 years 131 days ago)

    We are talking about the Bible and its condemnation of Homosexuals, but first a dose of big-picture truth with consideration to our spiritual climate in the U.S.There is a war brewing between Christians who maintain to death, a Natural and Revealed Law definition of marriage, and those who seek to redefine it in our society.I ask, are you paying attention on this issue? Because the club that beats the church into submission will be painted with a rainbow. For practical evidence on this statement simply look at recent headlines, the cases that dominate the SCOTOS itinerary are rulings on LGBTQ operatives targeting private businesses. I say operatives because taking petty, small-claims type issues all the way to the Supreme Court takes a truckload of money. In fact, it is estimated to get a...


    Franklin Graham and the Fake Trump Inspired American Revival

    By Jason Charles on 6/5/2019 (5 years 147 days ago)

    This last week Franklin Graham and a gaggle of Christian Zionists are attempting to create a revivalist movement centralized around the personage and Presidency of Donald Trump. Here is the Christian Post reporting on Graham’s announcement,“Evangelist Franklin Graham announced a "special day of prayer" to ask God to protect President Donald Trump from his political foes."If [Trump] succeeds, we all benefit," Graham proclaimed in a video posted to social media. "But if his enemies are allowed to destroy him, and pull down the presidency, it will hurt our entire nation.…The statement includes a number of prominent signers, such as former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann; Gary Bauer, president of American Values; David Barton, president of Wallbuilders; Trump spiritual adviser Pastor Paula...



    Israel and the Unholy City of Jerusalem

    By Jason Charles on 5/22/2019 (5 years 161 days ago)

    Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear by the name of the LORD, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness. For they call themselves of the holy city, and stay themselves upon the God of Israel; The LORD of hosts is his name. - Isaiah 48:1-2 Zionist Israel and Jerusalem is outwardly becoming one of the most wicked nations on earth. While they profess to be highly religious and zealous for the Holy City of God, and state of Israel, like their forbearers they are replete with hypocrisy and unrighteousness as this verse in Isaiah demonstrates.Christians in America, thinking that the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy fail to recognize that...



    How to Witness to a New Ager or Universalist

    By Jason Charles on 5/8/2019 (5 years 175 days ago)

    Thanks to a media obsession, New Age, or should we say Old Age spirituality has fused itself to American culture and life. Even though most still identify as Christian in America, New Age perspectives and ways of thinking about God, the universe, creation, spirituality, and our destiny as humans have shaped our vision and perception on these topics. We can’t even visualize spiritual concepts apart from New Age language and frameworks of description due to their pervasive nature. Virtually everything including evangelical Christianity has been tainted with New Age undercurrents and perspectives as suggested by a Pew research study on the seven categories of spirituality in America,“New Age beliefs are common, even among Americans who are highly religious in traditional ways. For example,...



    The American Church and the New Dark Ages

    By Jason Charles on 5/2/2019 (5 years 181 days ago)

     Historians have ascribed many reasons as to why Europe experienced a “Dark Age” between the 5th and 15th centuries. Disease, famine, invaders like Muslims and Vikings, and the corrupted governing system called feudalism have all been indicted as causes of the decline in civilization during this time; but Edward Gibbon author of the famous historical work The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire summarized it best in the last paragraph of his great 12 vol. masterpiece, saying,“…the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: the greatest, perhaps, and most awful scene in the history of mankind. The various causes and progressive effects are connected with many of the events most interesting in human annals: the artful policy of the Cæsars, who long maintained the name and image of...



    Trump Made an Honorary Zionist Settler

    By Jason Charles on 4/24/2019 (5 years 189 days ago)

    Benjamin Netanyahu made headlines this week by stating that he planned to name a town in the newly stolen area of the Golan Heights today.“Israel said on Tuesday it would name a new community on the Golan Heights after U.S. President Donald Trump as an expression of gratitude for his recognition of its claim of sovereignty over the strategic plateau. Israel captured the Golan from Syria in a 1967 war and annexed it, in a move not recognized internationally. The United States broke with other world powers last month when Trump signed a decree recognizing Israeli sovereignty there. “All Israelis were deeply moved when President Trump made his historic decision,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement made on the Golan. He added that, after the Jewish Passover...



    The Evils of the Institutionalized Church

    By Jason Charles on 4/10/2019 (5 years 203 days ago)

    It is often heard that the devil’s greatest trick is convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. I would disagree, and instead advise that the greatest trick the devil has ever pulled is the creation of an institutionalized church. The Curse of InstitutionalizationA newly released Barna Poll suggest that a whopping 64% of pastors are afraid to speak out on social issues such as abortion. Faithwire reporting on these findings quotes the Barna Research saying,“The pressure for leaders, and especially faith leaders, to satisfy everyone on all sides and to avoid offense is very real today, especially in the digital era,” said Roxanne Stone, editor-in-chief of Barna. “The public nature of social media only increases the stakes.”The majority of the push and pull pastors feel is coming from...



    Moral Failings of the U.S. Causing Worldwide Christian Persecution

    By Jason Charles on 4/3/2019 (5 years 210 days ago)

    Persecution against Christians is reaching historic proportions. We have to ask why is it the world over, Christians are experiencing so much tribulation and attack? The reason might surprise you.In January, Open Doors, an organization specializing in the study of Christian persecution released a truly eye-opening study showing an alarming rise in Christian persecution the world over,“The number of Christians suffering high to extremely high persecution is 14 percent more in 2019, Open Doors reported, counting 245 million individuals globally.Persecution driven by Islamic extremism and Communist authoritarianism in the world’s two most populous countries, India and China, marked the increase, Open Doors said in releasing its 2019 World Watch List of the 50 countries with the most extreme...



    Political Zionism Deserves Criticism

    By Jason Charles on 3/27/2019 (5 years 217 days ago)

    As you would imagine, most despotic states war against their own citizens when leveling criticism towards their own government, that is a given with oppressive, wicked regimes. But what kind of twilight-zone world do we live in when a government disallows criticism of a foreign government? Well just this week at the AIPAC summit in D.C., Secretary of State Mike Pompeo like many other world leaders have stated they will police their citizens for anti-Zionist sentiments, equating it to racism saying,“US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo embraced Israel in a speech at the AIPAC policy conference in Washington on Monday.“Israel should be admired, not attacked, embraced, not vilified," Pompeo stated at the annual gathering of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. "I’m proud to lead...


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    Salvation is submission to the authority of our Creator God. To be saved simply call upon the name of Jesus. Ask Him to lead, guide and direct you to a full knowledge of who He is, and who you are in Him.

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

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