
    The Kushner Brides and Messianic Kabbalah

    By Jason Charles on 3/21/2019 (5 years 216 days ago)

    This week, news outlets reporting on a brand-new book by Vicky Ward, honed in on the fact that Josh Kushner, brother of Jared Kushner and successful venture capitalist was apparently shunned by his parents. This apparent falling out occurred over the course of 6 years because his girlfriend, Victoria Secret model Karlie Kloss was in their words a ‘shiksa,’ a term that literally translates from Hebrew as being “detested thing.”“Josh Kushner's parents refused to meet his wife Karlie Kloss for six years and 'spoke horribly' about her behind her back, an expose of the family claims.Charles and Seryl Kushner, whose other son is Jared, the son-in-law of Donald Trump, banned Kloss from family gatherings because they hated her so much.The Kushners hated how Kloss was not Jewish and the family, who...



    The Israeli Election’s are a Contest in Racism

    By Jason Charles on 3/13/2019 (5 years 224 days ago)

    In America, President Trump has been out front, leading the AIPAC outrage-mob against Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. Reporting on the Presidential witch hunt by Donald Trump, the Israeli based Newspaper, the Jerusalem Post condemned Rep. Omar’s supposed racist remarks in American politics,“A Gallup poll released last week showed that for the years 2017-2019, 58% of liberal Democrats and 66% of moderate/conservative Democrats viewed Israel “very/mostly favorable.” To be sure, moderate/liberal Republicans (72%) and conservative Republicans (87%) polled higher numbers in Israel’s favor, but still, the Democratic figures are hardly those of an “anti-Israel party.”Trump’s remarks, however, did not come out of nowhere. He was speaking after last week’s US House of...



    The Vaccine Debate is about Authority Worship

    By Jason Charles on 3/6/2019 (5 years 231 days ago)

    The notorious atheist and secular humanist community over at Reddit.com purportedly spurred an 18-year-old to “rebel” against his mother, and “vaxx” himself against her wishes.Ethan Lindenberger, wrote his initial post on the reddit board r/NoStupidQuestions. A Guardian headline taking a quote from Ethan’s original reddit post is hysterically entitled 'God knows how I’m alive': how a teen defied his parents to get vaccinated, in the post he states,“As the title explains, my parents think vaccines are some kind of government scheme. It’s stupid and I’ve had countless arguments over the topic. But, because of their beliefs I’ve never been vaccinated for anything, god knows how I’m still alive. But, i’m a senior in high school now with a car, a license, and money of my own I’d assume that I...



    Red Flag Laws, a State of Nature and the Right to Shoot Back

    By Jason Charles on 2/27/2019 (5 years 238 days ago)

    White-bread Americans are in for a rude awakening as they find themselves at the end of a barrel and being told to disarm under the guise of “Red Flag” gun confiscation laws.The enforcement of Red Flag gun confiscation laws that are currently in place in 14 states now, will statistically impact everyone. In upcoming years as confrontations with law enforcement grows, everyone reading this article will know people impacted by gun confiscation and gun confrontations.Dr. Chuck Baldwin accurately described these laws recently in a column entitled An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen, an article I beg everyone to pass along, especially to their law enforcement friends. He writes,The “red flag” laws that are sweeping the country violate every principle of liberty upon which our...


    The Israeli Lobby Is the Deep State

    By Jason Charles on 2/13/2019 (5 years 252 days ago)

    This week the Intercept reported on the firestorm created by Rep. Ilhan Omar when she audaciously cited the AIPAC lobby as being behind a political smear campaign against her. The Intercept reported,“…Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., responded sharply to reports that Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was targeting both Omar and fellow Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat from Michigan. Omar quoted rap lyrics — “It’s all about the Benjamins baby” — to suggest McCarthy’s move was driven by the lobby’s prolific spending. Asked specifically who she was referring to, Omar responded, “AIPAC!” (The Intercept) In this report they also linked to numerous undercover investigations that produced audio and video tapes of AIPAC political operatives funneling money to Israeli friendly politicians and...



    The Greatest Institution

    By Jason Charles on 2/6/2019 (5 years 259 days ago)

    The family is without question the most fundamental of all human institutions, through which God has instructed humanity in spiritual knowledge since the dawn of creation. The importance of the family dynamic is an obvious truth for most everyone on the planet, unless of course you work at Google.This last month, Google was the subject of an internal barrage by employees simply because they used the word “family friendly” at a unicorn product presentation, as if that wasn’t gay enough.“Google execs dropped the word 'family' from company presentations after employees complained it was 'offensive' and 'homophobic', media reports have claimed. …It reports that one employee walked out of a March 2017 presentation on unicorn products and started an internal thread to complain that it was...



    The Antichrist Spirit is a Jewish Spirit

    By Jason Charles on 1/30/2019 (5 years 266 days ago)

    Patriarch Kirill the head of the Orthodox Church gave the world a stern warning recently saying modern smartphones are the technological building blocks of the Beast System described in Revelation 13: 16-17.“Patriarch Kirill has clearly updated the long-held myths to meet the requirements of the modern era. Gone is the narration of the leviathan coming out of the sea, with seven heads and ten horns. Now the thing to be frightened of is the omniscient supercomputer. He repeatedly reminded the audience every time they use their gadgets, someone somewhere knows their location and what they are doing. This sounds just like a god.Patriarch Kirill did not stop at that. He said within a short period of time, the technology that is being developed will not only offer access to all information but...



    Gay Penguins and Our Fractured Reality

    By Jason Charles on 1/23/2019 (5 years 273 days ago)

    This week, crack reporters at the New York Times reported gay penguins are better parents than negligent ones,“The colony’s only gay penguins, …Sphen and Magic looked like they would make great, diligent, careful egg-warming parents. Curious, the aquarium managers gave the two males a dummy egg. They took to it. And so then, when a particularly negligent heterosexual penguin couplelooked to be leaving an egg exposed (females lay two, but usually only one survives), the aquarium workers figured they would give it to Sphen and Magic.In October, that egg hatched. Now the chick of a gay penguin union is waddling around an ice enclosure by the touristy docks in Sydney.”…“The penguin keepers said they do not think much about the politics... But they do see that he is inspiring visitors.“Penguins...



    Gene Editing, Transhumanism, A.I. and the Beasts of Revelation

    By Jason Charles on 1/16/2019 (5 years 281 days ago)

    Recently, a Christian organization called the Christian Transhumanist Association held a transhumanist conference where they asked if it was okay to indulge some of the medical life-extension technologies in an effort to do God’s work longer.“Locke…, though, wasn’t delivering a sermon.The Texas pastor was moderating a panel at the first-ever Christian Transhumanist Conference, hosted last month by the Christian Transhumanist Association at Lipscomb University, a Church of Christ-affiliated school in Nashville.Transhumanism is the idea humans can transcend their current physical and mental limitations using science and technology. To Christian transhumanists, transhumanism means working with God to accomplish God’s work in the world through the ethical use of that science and...



    How Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest Perverted Natural Law Philosophy

    By Jason Charles on 1/9/2019 (5 years 287 days ago)

    The acceptance of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution among societies can be likened to a nuclear event, decimating the fragile moral fabric of humanity.Evolution, the concept of the survival of the fittest, and natural selection has only contributed to the devastation of human reason and thinking. The acceptance of evolution creates a shift in worldview that is so radical it threatens the very fabric of society. It holds that we derive our morality in the same way animals do, through force and strength. It contends that ultimately, might equals right, and even good because it assures the success of the strongest in society is guaranteed, and thus our survival as a species becomes a morally justifiable end in itself. Evolution attaches us to the base desires of animals as the only means...



    Study Finds Prosperity Preaching is a Mind-Altering Drug

    By Jason Charles on 12/5/2018 (5 years 322 days ago)

    The University of Toronto released a recent study in the journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. The study describes a test in which Christians and Atheists were both asked to listen to hours of prosperity preachers, it reads,“The University of Toronto released last month a study in the journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, which named such preachers as Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes and Creflo Dollar. …“The study included experiments where both theists and atheists were asked to listen to a prosperity gospel message, with their feelings measured afterward. It tested heightened optimistic bias and effects on financial risk-taking resulting from the teachings.“Specific to positive affect, we found that the prosperity gospel resulted in a boost of high-arousal positive...



    Devils in the Church: A Critique of Charismatic Christianity

    By Jason Charles on 11/28/2018 (5 years 329 days ago)

    The charismatic movement has digressed considerably from the days of William Branham and Oral Roberts. Those early faith-healing broadcasts were considerably tame and even boring compared to what passes as “sign-gift evangelism” today in modern charismatic led churches. The broadcasts of their day showed these men simply laying on hands, praying over men, woman and children that they may all receive healing through Jesus for a variety of stated aliments; then those people would turn and simply walk off the stage in maybe a heightened emotional state at best.Video of William Branham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2iQyTFfZbcVideo of Oral Roberts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCgxVW3i8JI Now when we turn the channel to Christian T.V we are confronted with something far different. Strange...



    Israel: A Modern Day Goliath

    By Jason Charles on 11/14/2018 (5 years 343 days ago)

    Nothing is more emblematic of the Gaza/Israel conflict than the image of the small child, Faris Odeh hurling a stone at an on-coming IDF tank in the midst of a war-torn backdrop. The imagery parallels the Biblical story of David and Goliath. Only in this modern version of the story, Israel is the mechanized military aggressor, and David is personified by the small Palestinian child up against all odds. Sadly it was credibly reported that the rock-throwing child in those images, Fairs Odeh was killed shortly thereafter by IDF sniper fire back in November of 2000.Well, speaking of iconic imagery, thanks to a botched IDF special forces raid this last weekend, the overworked PR guys in the Israeli government now have images flooding the internet of a protesting man in a wheel chair hurling...



    The Stupidity of Artificial Intelligence

    By Jason Charles on 11/7/2018 (5 years 350 days ago)

    This week, arch-technocrat and welfare tax-queen, Elon Musk, was caught fear-mongering on the specter of A.I again,“He reiterated those fears in an interview published Friday with Recode’s Kara Swisher, though with a little less apocalyptic rhetoric. “As AI gets probably much smarter than humans, the relative intelligence ratio is probably similar to that between a person and a cat, maybe bigger,” Musk told Swisher. “I do think we need to be very careful about the advancement of AI.” (Vox.com) What he didn’t mention is how he just received SEC approval to start raising millions in capital for his new start-up company Neuralink, a company that seeks to create Brain Chip Interfaces, “BCI’s” for human’s to interface with computers. Yes, $100 million dollars in first round funding to plug the...



    Trump is Marshaling Support for a New War on Anti-Semitism

    By Jason Charles on 10/31/2018 (5 years 357 days ago)

    Speaking out against the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter at a recent campaign rally in Murphrysboro, Illinois, President Trump had the crowd erupting in applause as he pledged revenge on the enemies of the Jews.He stated,"The Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that, we've all read it: We've studied it. They've gone through a lot and those seeking their destruction…we will seek their destruction." (American Thinker)  Repaying Evil with Greater EvilWhat is odd is the gunman Robert Bowers was captured and is facing the death penalty for this criminal act, which should be the end of it once justice is served, yes? You would think so, but instead what we get is a statement by President Trump appointing himself the champion of the Jews, mixed in with his call for the death penalty...


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