
    Abraham’s Blessing Resides Outside the Land of Israel

    By Jason Charles on 10/24/2018 (5 years 364 days ago)

    Walk into any church in America and ask them who owns the lands of Israel, and in chorus you would hear…”the Jews.” Then grabbing the nearest Bible they would feverishly flip the pages to Genesis 12:1-3 entering into evidence these passages,“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3 Not So FastWhile there are many things to note in this verse I want to point out the glaringly obvious fact that if you actually read this passage,...



    Atheism, and the Foolishness of God

    By Jason Charles on 10/10/2018 (6 years 13 days ago)

    Atheists love to condemn God, saying God is responsible for the suffering of the world, reasoning if He truly was God he would stop all the injustice and suffering, and since He doesn’t, there must not be a God. This is not a new thought, Epicurus the Greek philosopher condemned God in the same way as early as 351 BCE,“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”― Epicurus Whence Commeth Evil?Now, instead of focusing on God in this stanza, and what He is or isn’t supposedly capable of doing, instead ask, “Is it evil to force your will on someone?” If the answer is yes, then in that sense this very question...



    The Great Work of the Gentile Believers

    By Jason Charles on 9/26/2018 (6 years 27 days ago)

    We must ask, why do American Christians put so much emphasis on the Jewish traditions, prophecy, seeking after signs and support for modern Israel? The answer lies in one insightful passage of scripture written by the Apostle Paul.“For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom” 1 Corinthians 1:22 I love this verse. It reveals so much truth about the personality and predilections of both Jews and Gentiles as distinct people groups. They both have very different traditions and ways of discerning truth, yet God used them both to unveil His mysteries to us throughout the ages.This verse was very true for Paul who had experience preaching to both groups over the course of his ministry. Only Paul had a real first-hand experience with the questions, dispositions and demands each...



    The Three Obstacles Preventing Revival in America

    By Jason Charles on 9/20/2018 (6 years 34 days ago)

    I have this persistent hope in me that burn’s like fire. A hope I will see in my lifetime a new Great American Revival. In fact, one could frame the efforts of the Wake the Church ministry in terms of reformation and revival in the modern church.I dream of a day that people are turned in heart and mind toward God to such a degree that they describe these times in the same way famed theologian and revivalist Jonathan Edwards spoke of as a progenitor and participator of America’s Great Awakening. Edwards said these things when speaking of the atmosphere after the many revivals and gatherings,“The minds of people were wonderfully taken off from the world, it was treated amongst us as a thing of very little consequence. They seemed to follow their worldly business, more as a part of their...



    The One Spiritual Question that Creates the Left-Right Divide

    By Jason Charles on 9/12/2018 (6 years 42 days ago)

    All philosophy and spirituality is a derivative of one prime question. That question is, “Does God Exist?” While the spiritually minded individual would most assuredly say “Yes!” and the atheist emphatically saying “No!” the reality is however you answer this question will ultimately shape your morality and decision making throughout your entire life. Answering the QuestionHere is my personal synopsis on how the God Question ends up being the persuading factor on how people homogenize into one of these two political factions.The lefties say no, God probably doesn’t exist and won’t help us; we can only rely on the collective good of mankind and its institution. Humanities great institutions help police societal norms, behavior and harnesses humanities ingenuity as a means of refining our...



    Zionists are Capitalizing on the Fear and Ignorance of Christians

    By Jason Charles on 8/29/2018 (6 years 55 days ago)

    For many American Christians the presence of Israel on the geopolitical stage is the fulfillment of prophecy leading up to end-times events. They truly believe that God started an apocalyptic countdown on the 14th of May 1948, the year Israel was declared a nation state. Tick, tick, tick, every minute from then on has been supposedly pushing us deeper into end-times events since that notorious date.Confirmation of this belief is found in a recent article on CBN News entitled These Are The Four Biblical Prophecies Playing Out In Israel Right Now. The article reads,“When President Donald Trump moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem many people of faith quickly recognized the biblical significance of such a move. Trump, like King Cyrus before him, fulfilled biblical...



    The Interesting Thing About Q Anon

    By Jason Charles on 8/22/2018 (6 years 62 days ago)

    I couldn’t tell you if Q Anon, was a high-level leak or not to be honest right up front.  I would like to know, sure, but in reality, I don’t think anyone could demonstrably prove Q has classified level intelligence at their disposal.In my opinion Q Anon isn’t posting anything of note that a seasoned internet researcher hasn’t already had a handle on for years in terms of internet journalism and new world order conspiracy research. The only difference is, Q is really, really, and I mean really an optimistic guy. According to him Trump is going to have Rothschild on a leash by next week.The Trump admin worship is so over the top, that anyone reading Q’s posts would think that it is actually Trump posting as Q, minus the “YUUGE” and “it will be AMAZING…believe me” jumbled into each sentence....



    The U.N. Is Behind Alex Jones Censorship

    By Jason Charles on 8/15/2018 (6 years 69 days ago)

    Alex Jones has become too influential, and now the jackals are coming after him as evidenced by the total corporate sabotage of his online platforms this last week.Ask, what makes these giant tech companies think they can simply sabotage a media outfit with the kind of grass-roots support Infowars has without consequence? That is the question everyone should be asking? The answer to that question is companies with U.N. backing, that’s who. U.N. Election Meddling The Infowars media organization is pro-Trump, as is Fox news, both are perceived as being Republican in bias. Just like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc are progressive companies, and thus Democrat in bias. As press organizations their bias is a given.What isn’t a given is when corporations act with a political bias to sabotage a competing...



    Scientist Creates Fake Fossils by Mimicking the Conditions of a Global Flood

    By Jason Charles on 8/1/2018 (6 years 83 days ago)

    Researchers trying to reproduce fossil replications for study happened on a process that reproduces perfect fossils by simply adding water, sand, pressure and heat. While they didn’t report it in the article as such, all they did was recreate the exact conditions of a global flood, and presto they had their fossils."When he tried it with feathers, he ended up, not with a nice fossil, but a stinky sludge...The missing ingredient, Saitta thought, might be sediment. This is where fossils naturally form; the porousness of the material might allow for any stinky liquids to drain away, leaving behind a nice dry fossil.…He teamed up with Tom Kaye of the Foundation for Scientific Advancement to devise a method of creating carbonaceous fossils out of current plant and animal specimens.They took...



    Decoding Sleep Paralysis, Lucidity and Prophetic Dreaming

    By Jason Charles on 7/18/2018 (6 years 97 days ago)

     Authors Note: The aim of this article is to help people suffering from Sleep Paralysis, and other sleep fears and delusions associated with dreaming and sleep. And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. Genesis 37:19Within the topic of dreaming I would count myself as skilled. I say skilled, only because skill infers experience. I have been “out of body,” “astral traveled” “lucid dreamt” whatever you want to entitle it, no joke, hundreds of times. As a result of my experience as a dreamer, I have a different take on the topic of dreaming than most born again, saved by the Blood Christians. Let’s face it in Christian circles; dreaming has gotten a very bad rap. Dreaming has become synonymous with witchcraft and demonic activity; but let’s be real, if we removed every book...



    Will God Send Good People to Hell?

    By Jason Charles on 7/11/2018 (6 years 104 days ago)

    One of the most common questions you will hear from people when contemplating Christianity is, “does God send good people to hell?” This question is also parroted by atheists who love to throw this in the face of Christians as a way to demonstrate the unjustness of the Biblical God. They say, “How can a just God throw someone in hell who has never heard about Jesus Christ? What kind of God would do that?”This happens to be a question that also plagues many new Christians. They struggle with this question, and rarely find an adequate answer from Pastors and Bible teachers that addresses this issue properly to the point of satisfying the intellect and heart of a person. So it just hangs there, and nobody seems to be able to resolve this question without resigning to meaningless Christian...



    Abortion Violates the Three Cornerstones of Natural Rights

    By Jason Charles on 7/6/2018 (6 years 109 days ago)

    To begin, people that advocate murder are scary. Viva Ruiz, the founder of the group, Thank God for Abortion was quoted in a video recently saying,“When I had my first abortion, I was like this is not what they said it will be, I did not see my experience in the landscape of the conversation. I wanted to inject joy, and this joy was about autonomy…I have a right to do what I want with this body…abortion is a basic human right.”  This argument has become a staple argument for baby murderers in this country; and those using this argument do so because it provides a clever means to shift the argument from the defensive position of defending baby murder, to the offensive position of accusing others of denying basic human rights.If these murder advocates can frame the argument around their...



    Judaism Provides the Melting-Pot of a New World Religion

    By Jason Charles on 6/28/2018 (6 years 118 days ago)

    In these times there is a lot of speculation about a One World Religion and the antichrist. Will the antichrist be worshiped as a Pope like the early reformers believed, will he be a european business man as fantasized in the Left Behind series, would he be a Muslim messiah called the Mahdi, or is he the long awaited Jewish Messiah? And how will all of these competing ideologies be untied into one universal framework of worship? The Image The Apostle John in the prophetic Book of Revelation gives a little insight into this future leader and system. In Chapter 13 we read,And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation 13:12Most people read this as...



    Quantum Mechanics Reveals a Triune-Godhead

    By Jason Charles on 6/13/2018 (6 years 132 days ago)

     The Observation Effect, is a phenomenon found in quantum theory that suggests that the act of observation stabilizes atomic states. This can be studied, and has been studied for decades, it suggests that the conscience observer plays a part in the physical world. This study by Ángel Rubio of the University of the Basque Country and the Max Planck Institute is even able to use this effect towards quantum tech,“One of the most peculiar aspects of quantum theory is the observer effect, the idea that the very act of observing and measuring something - just observing and measuring, nothing more - can actually change it in some way.Now researchers have determined via theoretical modelling that this effect can change the flow of energy particles in a current, so that they move against it.The...



    How Our Internal Thoughts Prove a Spiritual Dimension

    By Jason Charles on 6/7/2018 (6 years 138 days ago)

    With so many secularists and materialists in the world today who naively believe there is no such thing as a spiritual world, I thought I would give one easy exercise that any person can do that will prove to themselves that there is indeed a spiritual world that impacts everything we do. Take Every Thought Captive In 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 the Apostle Paul, speaking to the Church at Corinth reminds them that we do not live in a purely materialistic world, and the evidence of such is our own internal thoughts.For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing...


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    Salvation is submission to the authority of our Creator God. To be saved simply call upon the name of Jesus. Ask Him to lead, guide and direct you to a full knowledge of who He is, and who you are in Him.

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13