By Jason Charles on 3/29/2017 (7 years 344 days ago)
One of my favorite sayings in the Bible is,"And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him"as seen in Luke 2:40 and Luke 2:52 when speaking of Jesus as a child. The Bible also records the Prophet Samuel(1 Samuel 2:21) in such a way, and also John the Baptist (Luke 1:15).These verses create a poetic description of a child coming-of-age with a zeal for God, and a desire to walk in Truth. This zeal is of course planted through the instruction and guidance of their parents. The aim is to create an unbroken chain of good, God-fearing people who are moral, selfless, kind, gracious, generous and a living example of God’s redemptive love for humanity. This is the natural order, this is how things ought to be. If everyone simply loved Truth and...