
    Both Praise and Criticism of Trump's Joint Address to Congress

    By Jason Charles on 3/1/2017 (7 years 243 days ago)

    Wake the Church | Having listened to his address and also read through the speech transcript multiple times I have to say, it was nothing short of remarkable. We haven't heard a rally to unify around our common ideals like this since possibly Reagan. It truly was a great speech in terms of a call towards the unification of our nation, as for his vision for America I have very mixed feelings....



    Fake News Invades Peaceful Church Congregation

    By Jason Charles on 2/22/2017 (7 years 250 days ago)

    Out of the gates, this author is writing a piece that is extremely opinionated in form, and I will tell you that in truth, unlike the #FakeStreamMedia who will pose as unbiased news outlets but are really paid off propagandists and character assassination artists like the ones at BuzzFeed. I tell you the truth they sent one of their "contributors" into my very own church congregation in small-town Kalispell to smear an entire region of Montana as being racist. And the killer part is, the entire article was plagiarized from another hit-piece documentary done by the SPLC in 2016. This Buzzfeed reporter posted on her Facebook she "went to racist church," which consisted of her coming into our Liberty Fellowship congregation late, she didn't introduce herself to a soul, and then just prior to...



    Deconstructing the Holographic Universe

    By Jason Charles on 2/8/2017 (7 years 264 days ago)

    Did you know there is a group of super-elite tech billionaires that are talking about the universe as a holographic projection or a matrix? Yes, read this CNBC report entitled 'Tech billionaires think we live in the Matrix and have asked scientists to get us out.' "Many people in Silicon Valley have become obsessed with the simulation hypothesis, the argument that what we experience as reality is in fact fabricated in a computer; two tech billionaires have gone so far as to secretly engage scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation," Friend claimed.Neither of the billionaires were named in the piece.The idea has gained traction in recent years with the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. " (CNBC)This "simulation theory" is legitimately being  tossed...



    Conservatives and Democrats Fooled into Pushing Globalist Open Border Policies

    By Jason Charles on 1/31/2017 (7 years 272 days ago)

    Wow! Liberals suddenly have a conscience over Muslim lives when gathered at their Soros funded protests. Only problem, these travel restrictions are in the exact countries that Obama conducted drone strikes in for a solid 8 years. Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, etc have all been turned to swiss cheese due to the direct action against these nations by their god-king Obama. So we can all thank Noble Peace Prize winner Obama that there even has to be a ban in effect at all. He is the one that initiated the need for a ban considering he radicalized our enemies in these countries. I am sure there are some nice refugee Muslims that could have lived peacefully in the states, but Obama ruined it for them all by bombing their countrymen and creating enemies by the thousands. American Muslims you only...


    DNC Political Tactics Cause Mass Psychosis in Half the Population

    By Jason Charles on 1/25/2017 (7 years 278 days ago)

    Let it be heard around the world that in response to the inauguration of President Trump women in America took to the streets with horribly constructed, cardboard vaginas strapped to their heads and body in protest. Truly, the mental hospitals are empty and the patients are in the streets of America, folks. The liberals have become the demons of our society, forever gnawing at an eons worth of social constructs, and then on top of that will play victims when average folk discount them for their self-delusions. The Obama liberals have been so thoroughly propagandize and mind raped by their own plantation masters in control of the DNC they don't even realize it. It is so obvious that the political tactic of labeling Trump a racist, and misogynist is only there to marshal their voting blocks...



    The Importance of Cleansing Your Mind

    By Micah Charles on 1/24/2017 (7 years 279 days ago)

    I was recently reading some comments that were posted by atheists on a creation science article and I was amazed at the vile, despicable things that some of these atheists say. I wondered, if that is what comes out of their mouth publically for all to see, how much more vile are their private thoughts. Perhaps one thing that scares these God-hating, atheists more than anything else, is the possibility that their innermost thoughts are not private. That indeed, there is an omnipotent, righteous God who hears and knows everything that they mutter internally, in their conscious mind, in that space between their ears. And if they were to contemplate that for one minute, it would send chills down their spine. They would feel ashamed and disgusted with themselves. They would instantly feel...



    Get Ready The CIA Coup Against Donald Trump Takes Shape

    By Jason Charles on 1/18/2017 (7 years 285 days ago)

    Our President-elect, has been warned of a CIA coup by multiple insider sources and credible journalists, who are all saying that the intelligence community is in open warfare with his incoming administration. Here is a list of manufactured crisis events prepared to thwart President Trump. Remove the PR face of the CIA and you will find that it is an operational entity, tasked with removing obstacles on a geo-political stage that inhibit the corporate objectives of the American Empire. If that obstacle comes in the form of a president in a 3rd world country they remove him, and if that obstacle comes in the form of the President of the United States of America, they will remove him too. Donald Trump has been labeled a threat to the expansion and growth of the American military industrial...



    Money: The Devil's Counterfeit Holy Spirit

    By Jason Charles on 1/10/2017 (7 years 293 days ago)

    Whenever a central bank is formed the devil celebrates his black Pentecost. The priests of Mammon or what can more appropriately be identified as the House of Rothschild control the fiat financial empire of the devil's church. The idol of this church is Mammon, and Mammon works like a controlling spirit on all that prostrate themselves to its worship.For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10The LOVE of money is truly the Root of All Evil, especially so when considering that it is the very spirit in which the devil harnesses, networks, and empowers his proselytes the word over. When studied from a theological perspective we begin to see that money or mammon...



    Trigger Warning: A Biblical Definition of Gender Roles

    By Jason Charles on 1/4/2017 (7 years 299 days ago)

    If there was a 5th Horse of the Apocalypse, the horse would be named Confusion and the rider of that horse would be Obama. Obama has opened Pandora's box by popularizing gender non-conformity. His assault on the institution of marriage via the SCOTUS Gay marriage ruling, and the inclusion of transgender bathroom policy into government and public education is a bona fide tax on the sanity of future America. Obama's public celebrity has popularized sodomite culture and gender-bending to such a degree that it literally can be said among the younger generation, "Hey all the cool kids are doing it."Well guess what, the "cool kids" are lemmings, buying a well marketed product called pride culture. They aren't edgy or different, they are just consumers in our modern era, mimicking the idols of...



    The Modern Church is a Combination of the Galatia and Corinth Church

    By Jason Charles on 12/28/2016 (7 years 306 days ago)

    The best way to describe the modern churches here in the U.S. would be to say it is a combination of the church of Galatia and the church at Corinth. The reason is, the U.S. churches have become thoroughly infiltrated by the Jewish religion and worship of Israel as in ancient Galatia. They have also become infatuated with spiritual and secular flamboyancy as in ancient Corinth. The parallels are uncanny. Be sure though the sins of both these churches were totally refuted and rebuked by the Apostle Paul in his epistles to these two churches. In fact in all of scripture none of the churches were so thoroughly rebuked than these two churches, they standout in all of scripture as the only time he chastised a group of Christians for their overt false doctrines. We need to take a hard look as to...



    Liberal Ideology had a Complete Meltdown in 2016

    By Jason Charles on 12/21/2016 (7 years 313 days ago)

    Who can comprehend the mind-boggling reality that unfolded this election season? I will say what we saw was more than just a shift in political power in 2016. No, what we saw is the cusp of what I believe to be another Great Awakening in the years ahead. Mark it down, liberal culture from this moment on will slowly fade once again into the annuals of history as being another failed human experiment. This election season is just rife with lessons. Social lessons, civics lessons, spiritual lessons, you name it, and we have lived it this election season. I could go on for hours and hours about each of these areas of discussion, but I have to take a moment and give a proper eulogy to Liberal Philosophy. This 2016 election season has revealed liberal, and secular humanist philosophy to be...



    Obama Botches the False Narrative of Russian Hacking

    By Jason Charles on 12/14/2016 (7 years 320 days ago)

    The Secret Behind PoliticsThe best way to understand the power of the elite is to visualize them as story-tellers or creators. By controlling the narratives they control destiny, but unlike fiction their stories are real, and they play with real lives.The primordial power of the king resides in the ability to create crisis narratives that lead to desired changes in government policy, legislation, or public opinion. They build these narratives through the control of official channels, media outlets, PR blitzes, etc. As a result new artificial realties begin to encompass the entire mechanism of government, and society. Some administrations are better at creating these false realities than others, it really comes down to how adept they themselves are in the dark arts of public opinion...



    Fake News Campaign Signals Collapse of the Globalist System

    By Jason Charles on 12/7/2016 (7 years 327 days ago)

    The desperation by the New World Order is so apparent at this point, we really need to just stop and take a moment to reflect on how irrelevant the main stream media and political class is...Author's note: Look who else is joining the #FakeNews purge! You can't make this stuff up!Graham says he'll lead probe of Russian intervention in electionPope warns media over 'sin' of spreading fake news, smearing politicians Globalism has been exposed as a fraud built on lies, assassinations, regime changes, currency wars, resource monopolization, false flags and crisis manipulation and staged propaganda campaigns fomenting social change. The means in which they have strived to arrive at this global system shows them morally destitute. They deserve neither the global system they worked towards nor...



    Where Did America Go Wrong, and How to Get Back On Track

    By Jason Charles on 11/30/2016 (7 years 334 days ago)

    Let's be honest despite the best of intentions by Donald Trump, "Draining the Swamp" is not what will "Make America Great Again." These are campaign slogans that do nothing to reverse the course of decades and decades of moral and spiritual decline within the American culture. Now I have seen many people speculate on the dates, events, people and situations that have contributed to the decline of America, and though I agree with many of these assessments I can't help but conclude that everyone of these things are nothing more than a symptom of a larger problem. Whether we are talking about our perpetual wars abroad, the corruption in Washington, or the greed of Wall Street they all share one thing in common, which is compromised people are driving it all, and these compromised people are...


    The Radicalization of U.S. Politics

    By Jason Charles on 11/16/2016 (7 years 348 days ago)

    I believe Obama is holding the gun of civil riots to the head of Mr.Trump. With a simple order from social agitator and Billionaire George Soros, the riots could turn destructively brutal. The scenario could  easily digress, giving Obama a reason to suspend Trump's inauguration due to a national security crisis. This hand-off of power between two administrations is always a deal with the devil, and the devil has a lot of vested interest in the corruptocracy of the U.S. government. Literally Trillions of dollars and all of our freedoms hang in the balance. The eyes of the world are on Trump, and his Administration picks will speak volumes to us all.The purchase of this DVD is what funds Wake the Church!Bush successfully pushed Obama into covering-up the murderous sins of his administration,...


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    Everything your pastor is afraid to preach

    Topics include: Natural Law | 2nd Amendment | Un-Just Wars | 501c3 Institutionalized Churches | Eugenics | Transhumanism | Bohemian Grove | RFID | New World Order | GMO | Vaccines | Agenda 21 and More...


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    Salvation is submission to the authority of our Creator God. To be saved simply call upon the name of Jesus. Ask Him to lead, guide and direct you to a full knowledge of who He is, and who you are in Him.

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13