
    Tim Tebow is Feminists Worst Nightmare

    By Jason Charles on 11/30/2015 (9 years 99 days ago)

    News outlets out to shame Tim Tebow and his Christian faith ran with headlines accusing Tim Tebow's "girlfriend" Olivia Culpo that she broke it off with him because of his commitment to abstinence and that she couldn't take it. The Daily News Headline read, Tim Tebow still can’t find the end zone as girlfriend Olivia Culpo breaks it off over lack of sex. In the article a source close to the former Miss USA model was quoted as saying, "He was really into her, he was sending her love letters and cute notes and professing his love for her. She had to break up with him because she just couldn't handle it. He still hits her up, but she just can't deal with the sex thing. He's pretty adamant about it, I guess."As a result of this one article the liberal media pounced on Tim Tebow, hammering his...



    Anti-theism: Raising the False Idol of the Scientism Cult in America

    By Jason Charles on 11/23/2015 (9 years 106 days ago)

    Priests of the New AgeThere is a new priest class emerging in our world, and like all priests of false religion they demand dogmatic allegiance to their version of creation, they put forth their own modes of liturgy, vernacular and lingo and of course are overtly caustic to anyone with contrary views to the point of ridicule and public disdain.Judging by their own words these men have a cavalier attitude towards history, especially ancient history, reasoning themselves to be far superior in intelligence and deed than men that have gone before us. They believe themselves to be highly accredited and exceptional because they have successfully navigated the halls of higher learning and constantly appeal to their own authority or degrees. They believe themselves to have access to technological...



    Paris, Terrorism, and the Effects of Ritual Sacrifice on the Masses

    By Jason Charles on 11/16/2015 (9 years 113 days ago)

    Friday the 13th, 2015 TV screens across the globe suddenly flashed to alert screens and bold graphics announcing the Breaking News of large scale, coordinated, mass murder attacks taking place in Paris, France. In a matter of moments the news reporter began to run through a series of details describing where the attacks had occurred, how many are being reported as dead or injured, who claimed responsibility for the attacks and how officials were responding to the tragedy.Our human response is immediately one of horror, and empathy for the victims as we listen to the news reporter dole out new information amidst a steady stream of live footage, images and official statements from people there at the scene. As we catch glimpses of gun fire, footage of explosions and testimony from...



    Looking at a Global Economic Collapse Through the Eyes of Satan

    By Jason Charles on 11/9/2015 (9 years 120 days ago)

    Chicken Little SyndromeOne of the most heated and ongoing debates within liberty minded circles almost always involves speculation as to what a full on societal collapse may look like in the very near future. These conversations almost always unfold exactly the same way no matter who you end up talking to. It usually starts off with someone voicing their disgust with Washington D.C. and the political climate, the radical social engineering programs, the tragedy of unjust wars abroad, the national debt, etc. It then digresses into wild speculation as to how all this means that the American society is doomed and the elite plan on destroying America. These same folks will then reveal their detailed plans as to how they are stock piling food, guns, gold, silver and moving to remote locations...



    God's True Intent for Marriage Purity is Beyond Human Comprehension

    By Jason Charles on 11/2/2015 (9 years 127 days ago)

    One FleshAny discussion of marriage especially in this day and age is laden with pitfalls. Our society simply has lost sight of what God's true intention for this sacred institution is. As a result any effort to clarify and define God's original intention for the institution of marriage must come from God Himself as the progenitor and institutor of marriage. Which means we must go to the opening chapters of the Bible in which God himself performs the first wedding ceremony. In Genesis 2:21-24 we see how God having formed Eve the first woman from Adams own flesh, brought Eve to Adam in much the same way as a father giving away His daughter at the altar. It was here Adam made his vows that he would cleave to his wife and that they should be as one flesh from thereafter." And the LORD God...



    Humanity is Being Re-Engineered into a Godless Beastly Creature

    By Jason Charles on 10/27/2015 (9 years 133 days ago)

    It used to be that evil was done under the cover of darkness, behind closed doors, and conducted in secret. Now when we look at the world we can't help but realize that evil is operating fully out in the open. The wicked men of this generation no longer fear being exposed, they no longer are afraid of repercussions, and they are no longer cautious in their wicked pursuits. Evil has totally gained power over all of the critical institutions of humanity and as a result our culture is doomed. This truly is a sad time to live, especially for those who are old enough to remember the days when people were God fearing, hardworking, and moral family men and women. Amidst all the daily headlines and chaos I feel it is imperative we take a moment and ask ourselves how we got here, what went wrong,...



    Have You Been Manipulated by the Neo-Judaizers

    By Jason Charles on 10/19/2015 (9 years 141 days ago)

    Have you ever heard a fellow Christian say, Shalom as a greeting? Or maybe heard someone emphatically state that we must pray in Yeshua's name if our prayers are to be heard? Have you met a Christian who only observes the Sabbath and even wears a Jewish prayer shawl? Maybe you have heard someone casually say that they are learning Hebrew and attending Torah classes to better understand the Jewish culture. Or better yet have you heard someone audaciously declare that the Jews have their own path to God? If so then you have run into someone that the Apostle Paul warned against in almost every epistle he wrote, a Judaizer. It is hugely unfortunate, but there are a lot of people who get caught up in this infatuation with the Jewish religion, but did you know this debate caused a huge amount of...



    Wake the Church: A Strategy to Take Back America

    By Jason Charles on 10/12/2015 (9 years 148 days ago)

    America has Fallen A nation that was once the light of the free world now casts a dark shadow over the whole globe in pursuit of unjust military excursions. Its institutions have succumbed to godless educational models that undermine every key tenet of its founding documents. Its political elites have legislated away every sacred, God given rights while shackling future generations to insurmountable debt. The media mis-aligns truth on behalf of  a myriad of financial sponsors. Its highest court in the land rules in favor of killing the unborn and allows perverts and sodomites to redefine ancient and sacred institutions such as marriage. Its people have been bombarded with cultural reprogramming that celebrates avarice, perversities, sporting events and ignorance. Its corporations who...


    Vladimir Putin Just Destroyed 100 Years Worth of Prophetic Speculation

    By Jason Charles on 10/6/2015 (9 years 154 days ago)

    In 1971 speaking to state legislators, then Governor Ronald Reagan regurgitated a widely held view of prophecy when he stated,“Ezekiel tells us that Gog, the nation that will lead all of the other powers against Israel, will come out of the north. Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia. What other powerful nation is to the north of Israel? None."This idea of Russia being the great Beast, that would rise up in the End Times to make war with Israel is one of many false interpretations of prophecy that can now FINALLY be laid to rest. This dispensationalist view of end times prophecy was made over a century ago via the Scofield Reference Bible. The controversy surrounding Russia as being the initiator and aggressor in this war against Israel is detailed out...



    The Most Overlooked Biblical Argument for the God-Given Right of Self-Defense

    By Jason Charles on 9/28/2015 (9 years 162 days ago)

    The Wake the Church Newsletter is growing be sure to sign-up pastors and friends.Pope Francis, in his address to Congress this last week made a purposefully cryptic statement denouncing the global arms trade,“Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society?” he asked. “Sadly, the answer, as we all know, is simply for money: money that is drenched in blood, often innocent blood. In the face of this shameful and culpable silence, it is our duty to confront the problem and to stop the arms trade.”(Guns.com)Later in this same Guns.com article it notes that almost immediately following the address, the internet was bombarded with a series of memes using Pope Francis' quote above to promote gun control by the anti-gun group the Coalition...



    John Negroponte: Creating Global Proxy Armies to Bring About the Collapse of Western Civilization

    By Jason Charles on 9/21/2015 (9 years 169 days ago)

    Every serial killer leaves their mark, a gruesome calling card left at the scene of the crime flaunting their arrogant disregard for the lives they have taken and especially for the authorities who set out to investigate such matters. They do this for multiple reasons, but the main reason is they are looking to terrorize their victims, the investigators and most especially the communities in which they prey upon. It is these signatures, these calling cards that demonstrate that a deliberate pattern and set of procedures are being followed by what can only be described as a professional killer.Most people when they flip on the TV News cast and hear about the violence on our southern border believe it to be isolated to those communities and are due to the rampant abuse by warring factions of...



    How False Teachings on Spiritual Gifts have Incapacitated a Generation of Christian Warriors

    By Jason Charles on 9/14/2015 (9 years 176 days ago)

    It's amazing how many Christians and pastors both use the excuse "that is not what I am called to do" when you try to talk to them about pertinent issues facing our country and how we as Christians need to get involved. That is because our modern churches are filled with subtle, pacifistic, and effeminate teachings that have sidelined an entire generation of believers. While most people quickly get bored when talking doctrine and theology I cannot stress enough how important it is to take these teaching head on and demonstrate how they are grossly responsible for the degeneration of our Christian culture and thus the culture at large. The Devil simply loves twisting scripture. In doing so he is able to build entire doctrines that almost always remarkably give Christians convenient excuses...



    9/11 is Not the Greatest Conspiracy of All Time, Just a Close Second

    By Jason Charles on 9/7/2015 (9 years 183 days ago)

    This week we are reminded once again how drastically our world changed due to the events that unfolded 14 years ago on September 11, 2001. Our foreign wars of aggression, the global economy, the encroaching domestic police state and hostile political climate are all predicated on the events of that dreadful day. That one day has changed the course of human destiny like nothing else in recorded history due to its truly global impact.  As an Award winning filmmaker who has researched the topic of 9/11 extensively, interviewed key insider whistleblowers, confronted political operatives and presented the evidence  to millions you better believe I have a very educated opinion on what truly happened that day. But before we get into the details of what could very well be the greatest single...


    Shame on the Liberty Movement for Applauding the Kim Davis Jail Time

    By Jason Charles on 9/3/2015 (9 years 187 days ago)

    Point: If Kim Davis is jailed then every conscientious objector that wished to leave the military based on spiritual convictions should also be jailed instead of discharged. I am dumbfounded how little the "Liberty Movement" knows about liberty. To all the "liberty activists" out there that took to social media applauding the arrest of Kim Davis by federal marshals you make me sick. It is obvious that your liberty education is nothing more than opinions about liberty rather than you being truly willing to stand up for actual time tested liberty principles. The Kim Davis ruling demonstrates that nobody in this movement understands the importance of jurisdictional authority in the least which is by far one of the most fundamental, foundational of all natural law principles. I would venture...



    While the American Church Sleeps Chinese Christians are Waging a Full on Anti-Communist Revolt

    By Jason Charles on 8/31/2015 (9 years 190 days ago)

    By far the most devious thing the devil has ever done to suppress God's church was to institutionalize and state sanction its existence. This trend started with the Catholic church and continues right up till the current modern age. Both the US and China have fully institutionalized Churches. In America the churches operate under a system of incorporation called the 501c3, and in China a system of state licensing through the TSPM/CCC. Despite state license, the US and Chinese churches are under constant attack by communist entities in both the public and government arena. Yet the response to these anti-religious attacks by the Christian populations in their respective governments couldn't be more different.A Quick History of the Church in ChinaIn 1951 a Chinese Christian leader named Y.T....


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    Everything your pastor is afraid to preach

    Topics include: Natural Law | 2nd Amendment | Un-Just Wars | 501c3 Institutionalized Churches | Eugenics | Transhumanism | Bohemian Grove | RFID | New World Order | GMO | Vaccines | Agenda 21 and More...


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    Salvation is submission to the authority of our Creator God. To be saved simply call upon the name of Jesus. Ask Him to lead, guide and direct you to a full knowledge of who He is, and who you are in Him.

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13